136 Matching Results
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Result #2: Billboard campus attractions [20th century to present]
Result #3: Playback [1998 to present]
Result #4: Pollstar [20th century to present]
Result #5: Musical merchandise review [1958 to present]
Result #6: Pollstar > Booking agency directory [2001 to present]
Result #7: Pollstar > Concert venue directory [20th century to present]
Result #8: Pollstar > Talent buyer directory [20th century to present]
Result #9: The Purchaser's guide to the music industries [? to present]
Result #10: All you need to know about the music business [2023]
Result #11: Barnes reports: record, CD & tape stores industry [21st century to present]
Result #12: Barnes reports: record, CD & tape stores industry - capital & expenses series [21st century to present]
Result #13: Barnes reports: U.S. record, CD, tape production industry [21st century to present]
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Full text available from Business Source Complete: 03/01/2009 to present
Result #14: Barnes reports: U.S. record, tape & CD stores product lines [21st century to present]
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Full text available from Business Source Complete: 04/01/2012 to present
Result #15: Billboard's on tour [20th century to present]
Result #16: Dreamgirls [2023]
Result #17: Music industry directory [1983 to present]
Result #18: Music & video in the United States [21st century to present]
Result #19: Musical merchandise review [1958 to present]
Result #20: Playback [1998 to present]
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Full text available from Open access publishers: 03/01/2003 to present
Result #21: Pollstar > Record company directory [2001 to present]
Result #22: Recording industry sourcebook [1990 to present]
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Result #25: Soulless: the case against R. Kelly [2019]
Result #26: Historical dictionary of the American music industry [2018]
Result #27: Selling folk music: an illustrated history [2018]
Result #28: This is Love [2018]
Result #29: Managing your band: artist management: the ultimate responsibility [2017]
Result #30: Business basics for musicians: the complete handbook from start to success [2015]
Result #32: Dreamgirls [2013]
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Result #34: All you need to know about the music business [2012]
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Result #37: Copyright criminals [2010]
Result #38: I don't sound like nobody: remaking music in 1950s America [2010]
Result #39: Selling sounds: the commercial revolution in American music [2009]
Result #40: Alvin and the chipmunks [2008]
Result #41: Dreamgirls [2007]
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Result #43: CEO exchange > That's entertainment!: new ways to enjoy tv, movies and music [2006]
Result #44: Hip-hop, inc.: success strategies of the rap moguls [2006]
Result #45: A star is born [2006]
Result #46: This business of artist management [2004]
Result #47: Hollywood homicide [2003]
Result #48: DIY or die: burn this DVD [2002]
Result #49: Good rockin' tonight: the legacy of Sun Records [2002]
Result #50: Radio market structure and music industry [2002]
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