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Result #2: Journal of Moravian history [2006 to present]
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Full text available from ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials: 01/01/2006 to present
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Result #4: Anthems I [2021]
Result #5: Voices in the wilderness: Die sanfte Bewegung, die liebliche Krafft [2020]
Result #6: Voices in the wilderness: Formier, mein Töpffer [2020]
Result #7: Voices in the wilderness: Wenn Gott sein Zion lösen wird [2020]
Result #8: Lititz anthems I [2018]
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Result #11: Hymns to be sung at the pianoforte [2012]
Result #13: Self, community, world: Moravian education in a transatlantic world [2010]
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Result #14: A storm in the land: music of the 26th North Carolina Regimental Band C.S.A. [2007]
Result #15: A storm in the land: music of the 26th North Carolina Regimental Band C.S.A. [2002]
Result #16: Lost music of early America: music of the Moravians [1998]
Result #17: Lost music of early America: music of the Moravians [1998]
Result #18: Lost music of early America: music of the Moravians [1998]
Result #22: Choral-Buch [1984]
Result #25: First fruits [1982]
Result #27: Less time for meddling: a history of Salem Academy and College, 1772-1866 [1979]
Result #28: The Johannes Herbst Collection (c. 1752-1812) [1976]
Result #29: Music of the Moravian trombone choir [1976]
Result #30: A Moravian music sampler [1974]
Result #31: The Moravian musical heritage: Johann Christian Geisler's music in America [1971]
Result #32: Hymnal and liturgies of the Moravian Church [1969]
Result #33: Mission of change in Alaska: Eskimos and Moravians on the Kuskokwim [1963]
Result #35: Moravian chorales: for band, orchestra, chorus [1957]
Result #36: Moravian church: 500th anniversary, 1457-1957 [1957 to 1994]
Result #38: Chorales in brass; a collection of Moravian chorales and secular music [1950s]
Result #39: Ten sacred songs for soprano, strings and organ [1954]
Result #40: Martyrs of the Oblong and Little Nine [1948]
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Result #42: The church litany of the United Brethren [1819]
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Result #46: Kurzgefasste Ordnungen der evangelischen Bruedergemein-Orte [1805]
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Result #48: Die täglichen Loosungen und Lehrtexte der Brüdergemeine, für das Jahr 1801 [1800]
Result #49: Die täglichen Loosungen und Lehrtexte der Brüdergemeine für das Jahr 1800 [1799]
Result #50: Hymns for children [1797]
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