24 Matching Results
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Search Results
Result #2: Korea briefing [1990 to present]
Result #3: Human rights and transnational democracy in South Korea [2022]
Result #4: The island of sea women: a novel [2019]
Result #5: The two Koreas [2019]
Result #6: Youth for nation: culture and protest in Cold War South Korea [2017]
Result #7: Park Chung Hee and modern Korea: the roots of militarism 1866-1945 [2016]
Added March 2025Result #8: Japan and Korea > Episode 1 [2015]
Result #9: Japan and Korea > Episode 2 [2015]
Result #10: Pakha sat'ang [translated: Peppermint candy] [2015]
Result #11: The history of Korea [2014]
Result #12: South Korea since 1980 [2010]
Result #13: Korea's place in the sun: a modern history [2005]
Result #15: Eye on Korea: an insider account of Korean-American relations [2003]
Result #17: Narratives of nation building in Korea: a genealogy of patriotism [2003]
Result #18: The making of modern Korea [2002]
Result #19: The making of modern Korea [2002]
Checked Out - Willis 3rd
Due May 07, 2025