Title or Series
Asia's transformations2The making of modern Korea2a political and economic study1a staff report1Asian historical dictionaries1Asian historical dictionaries; no. 111Eye on Korea: an insider account of Korean-American relations1Greenwood histories of the modern nations1A Hard journey to justice: first term report by the Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths of the Republic of Korea (10.2000-10.2002)1Historical dictionary of the Republic of Korea1The history of Korea1Human rights and transnational democracy in South Korea1India and UN peace-keeping activities: a case study of Korea, 1947-531The island of sea women: a novel1Korea: a new history of south and north1Korea and the Philippines: November 19721Korea's place in the sun: a modern history1Laws, statutes, etc.1The melodrama of mobility: women, talk, and class in contemporary South Korea1Narratives of nation building in Korea: a genealogy of patriotism1