75 Matching Results
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Result #2: AIMS biophysics [2014 to present]
Result #3: BBA advances [2021 to present]
Result #4: Biophysics reports [2015 to present]
Result #5: Bulletin of mathematical biology [1973 to present]
Result #6: Cells [2012 to present]
Result #7: Doklady > Biochemistry and biophysics [2001 to present]
Result #8: Food biophysics [2006 to present]
Result #9: Innovative Biosystems & Bioengineering [2017 to present]
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Full text available from ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources: 2017 to present
Result #10: International journal of molecular sciences [2000 to present]
Result #11: Kardio-IT [2014 to present]
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Full text available from ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources: 2014 to present
Result #12: Quarterly reviews of biophysics [1968 to present]
Result #13: Advances in biophysics [1970 to present]
Result #14: Archives of biochemistry and biophysics [1951 to present]
Result #15: Archives of physiology and biochemistry [1995 to present]
Result #16: Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine [1980 to present]
Result #17: Biochemical and biophysical research communications [1959 to present]
Result #18: Biochemistry and biophysics reports [2015 to present]
Result #19: Biochimica et biophysica acta > Bioenergetics [1967 to present]
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Full text available from ScienceDirect Journals: 01/04/1967 to present
Result #20: Biochimica et biophysica acta.: International journal of biochemistry and biophysics [1947 to present]
Result #21: Biophysical journal [1960 to present]
Result #22: Biophysical journal [1960 to present]
Result #23: Biophysical reports [2021 to present]
Result #24: Biophysical reviews [2009 to present]
Result #25: Biophysics [1957 to present]
Result #26: Biophysics [1957 to present]
Result #27: Biophysics and physicobiology [2015 to present]
Result #28: Biophysics reviews [2020 to present]
Result #29: Bulletin of mathematical biology [1973 to present]
Result #30: Cell biochemistry and biophysics [1996 to present]
Result #31: Doklady > Biophysics [1964 to present]
Result #32: European biophysics journal [1984 to present]
Result #33: FEBS letters [1968 to present]
Result #34: FEBS letters [1968 to present]
Result #35: Frontiers in molecular biosciences [2014 to present]
Result #36: Horizons in biochemistry and biophysics [1974 to present]
Result #37: Journal of biological physics [1973 to present]
Result #38: Journal of electrical bioimpedance [2010 to present]
Result #39: Physical biology [2004 to present]
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Full text available from IOPscience platform: 02/12/2004 to present
Result #40: Physics in medicine & biology [1956 to present]
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Full text available from IOPscience platform: 01/01/1956 to present