In the heart of another country: Erzählungen aus der Diaspora - Werke der Sharjah Art Foundation Collection [translated: the diasporic imagination in the Sharjah Art Foundation Collection]
Halle für aktuelle Kunst/Hall for Contemporary Art, Deichtorhallen Hamburg; herausgegeben von Omar Kholeif; Mitwirkende Autor*innen, Hoor Al Qasimi, Nawar Al Qassimi, Skye Arundhati Thomas, Anne Barlow, Stephanie Bailey, Omar Kholeif, Dirk Luckow, Chris McCormack, Sarah Perks, Reem Sawan und Safia Victorino; Übersetzungen, Nadja Bossmann, Kathrin Hadeler, Jennifer Holleis, Bram Opstelten, Sylvia Zirden
- Resource Type:
- Book (Print/Paper)
- Publication:
- [Köln] : Snoeck ; [Hamburg] : Deichtorhallen Hamburg ; [Schardscha] : Sharjah Art Foundation, [2022]
- Copyright:
- ©2022
Location | Call Number | Availability | Request |
N6496.3.U5 S535 2022 | Checking availability | Request pickup |
More Details
- Summary:
- "In the Heart of Another Country" explores the concept of home-- of longing and belonging by artists who hail from multiple diasporas. The exhibition and the book explores the ways that physical movement- how mobility across geographies, has shaped and contoured the frame of global art today. The artists, herein, have traversed migratory routes from South and West Asia, through Africa, and the Caribbean. Many now live in dispersed sites, far from where they first believed that they belonged. Drawing on art from the international collection of Sharjah Art Foundation, UAE, "In the Heart of Another Country" showcases the work of more than 60 artists through over 150 artworks in all media, many of which have rarely, if ever, been seen outside of their original context. Recently restored installations are presented alongside contemporary acquisitions, which narrate a communal story of kinship amongst artists-- one often developed against a backdrop of political turmoil and social unrest. "In the Heart of Another Country" embodies the Sharjah Art Foundation Collection's goal to present art that posits East-East and South-South alliances, forging a meeting point-- a connective tissue that nurtures a polyphonous and inclusive art history.
- Table of Contents:
- Vorwort / Dirk Luckow = Foreword / Dirk Luckow
- Vorwort / Hoor Al Qasimi = Foreword / Hoor Al Qasimi
- In the heart of another country / Omar Kholeif
- Architektur mit anderen mitteln : der abstrakte Körper trifft auf die konkrete Stadt = Architecture by other means : the abstract body meets the concrete city
- Zurückgewonnene portäts : unsichtbare wiederherstellung = Reclaimed portraits : invisible acts of repair
- Gen Stüden : Reisen von Golf zu Golf, von Küste zu Küste = Going South : travels from gulf to gulf, from coast to coast
- "Wenn Du mir auf der Straße begegnest, sei Dir nicht sicher, dass ich es bin." Sofia Victorino im Gespräch mit: Bani Abidi, Lubaina, Himid, Hrair Sarkissian = "If you meet me on the street, don't be sure it's me." Sofia Victorino in conversation with: Bani Abidi, Lubaina, Himid, Hrair Sarkissian
- Biografien = Biographies
- Nachwort : smile, you're in Sharjah / Nawar Al Qassimi = Afteword : smile, you're in Sharjah / Nawar Al Qassimi.
- Contributors:
- Kholeif, Omar , editorQāsimī, Ḥūr , writer of foreword, writer of supplementary textual contentQassimi, Nawar Al , writer of supplementary textual contentThomas, Skye Arundhati , writer of supplementary textual contentBarlow, Anne (Art museum curator) , writer of supplementary textual contentBailey, Stephanie (Journalist) , writer of supplementary textual contentLuckow, Dirk , writer of foreword, writer of supplementary textual contentMcCormack, Chris (Art editor) , writer of supplementary textual contentPerks, Sarah , writer of supplementary textual contentSawan, Reem , writer of supplementary textual contentVictorino, Sofia , interviewerDeichtorhallen Hamburg , host institution, issuing body,,
- Language Notes:
- Parallel texts in German and English.
- Alternate Titles:
- Title translation: the diasporic imagination in the Sharjah Art Foundation Collection
- Subjects:
- Genres:
- General Notes:
- Published in conjunction with an exhibition held at Halle für aktuelle Kunst, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany, October 28, 2022 - March 12, 2023.
Artists: Bani Abidi, Sarah Abu Abdallah, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Etel Adnan, Latif Al Ani, Khadim Ali, Halil Altindere, Minam Apang, Rasheed Araeen, Thuraya Al-Baqsami, Shiraz Bayjoo, Semiha Berksoy, Huma Bhabha, Huguette Caland, CAMP, Tony Chakar, Saloua Raouda Choucair, Tiffany Chung, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Simone Fattal, Marcos Grigorian, Abbas Habiballa, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Rokni Haerizadeh, Taloi Havini, Susan Hefuna, Adam Henein, Lubaina Himid, Emily Jacir, Hayv Kahraman, Ali Kazim, Amal Kenawy, Aisha Khalid, Anuar Khalifi, David Koloane, Farideh Lashai, Tala Madani, Taus Makhacheva, Jumana Manna, Marwan, Ibrahim Massouda, Ahmed Mater, Ahmed Morsi, Fateh Moudarres, Khalil Rabah, Michael Rakowitz, Marwan Rechmaoui, Ibrahim El-Salahi, Mohan Samant, Hrair Sarkissian, Hassan Sharif, Wael Shawky, Anwar Jalal Shemza, Ahmed Shibrain, Shahzia Sikander, Rayyane Tabet, Richard Lokiden Wani, Nari Ward, Lionel Wendt, Kamal Youssef, Akram Zaatari.
Includes bibliographical references. - Physical Description:
- 319 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 25 cm
- Physical Characteristics:
- portrait; illustration
- Call Numbers:
- N6496.3.U5 S535 2022
- ISBNs:
- 9783864423994 (cloth)
3864423996 - Other Standard Numbers:
- International Article Number: 9783864423994
- OCLC Numbers:
- 1351779442