Encyclopedia of humor studies
editor, Salvatore Attardo, Texas A&M University
- Resource Type:
- E-Book
- Publication:
- Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014
Location | Call Number | Availability | Request | Notes |
BF575.L3 E53 2014eb | Checking availability |
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- Summary:
- Abstract: The Encyclopedia of Humor Studies explores the concept of humor in history and modern society in the United States and internationally. This works scope encompasses the humor of children, adults, and even nonhuman primates throughout the ages, from crude jokes and simple slapstick to sophisticated word play and ironic parody and satire.
- Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Absurdist Humor
- Advertisement
- Advertising, Effectiveness of Humor in
- Aesthetics
- Aggressive and Harmless Humor
- Aging and Humor
- Akan Humor
- Ambiguity
- American Indian Cultures, Humor in
- Ancient Egypt, Humor in
- Ancient Greek Comedy
- Ancient Roman Comedy
- Anecdote, Comic
- Animal-Related Humor
- Anthropology
- Anti-Proverb
- Anxiety
- Aphorism
- Appreciation of Humor
- Arabic Culture, Humor in
- Aristophanes
- Aristotelian Theory of Humor
- Arousal Theory (Berlyne)
- Art and Visual Humor
- Assyrian and Babylonian Humor
- Audience
- Audiovisual Translation
- Benign Violation Theory
- Bergson's Theory of the Comic
- Biblical Humor
- Bisociation
- Blason Populaire
- Boccaccio, Giovanni
- Brain, Neuropsychology of Humor
- Buddhism
- Burlesque
- Byzantine Humor
- Caricature
- Carnival and Festival
- Carnivalesque
- Cartoons
- Cervantes, Miguel de
- Cheerfulness, Seriousness, and Humor
- Children's Humor and Giftedness
- Children's Humor Research
- Children's Humor Stages
- Christianity
- Clergy
- Clowns
- Clowns in Medical Settings
- Cognitive Aspects
- College Humor
- Comedy
- Comedy Ensembles
- Comic Books
- Comic Frame
- Comic Opera
- Comic Relief
- Comic Strips
- Comic Versus Tragic Worldviews
- Comic World
- Commedia dell'Arte
- Complexity
- Comprehension of Humor
- Computational Humor
- Confucianism
- Conversation
- Coping Mechanism
- Coulrophobia
- Creativity
- Cross-Cultural Humor
- Culture
- Defense Mechanism
- Depression
- Design
- Development of Humor
- Dialect Humor
- Doggerel
- Education, Humor in
- E'gao: Culture of Internet Spoofing in China
- Epigram
- Ethnic Jokes
- Ethnicity and Humor
- Evolutionary Explanations of Humor
- Exaggeration
- Fabliau
- Factor Analysis of Humor Items
- Factor Analysis of Humor Scales
- Failed Humor
- Farce
- Feast of Fools
- Folklore
- Fools
- Foolstowns
- Forest of Laughter and Traditional Chinese Jestbooks
- Framing Theory
- Freudian/Psychoanalytic Theory
- Gag
- Gallows Humor
- Gelotophobia
- Gender and Humor, Psychological Aspects of
- Gender Roles in Humor
- Genres and Styles of Comedy
- Goldoni, Carlo
- Graffiti
- Greek Visual Humor
- Health Benefits of Humor, Physical
- Health Benefits of Humor, Psychological
- Heritability
- High Comedy
- High-Context Humor
- History of Humor: Classical and Traditional China
- History of Humor: Early Modern Europe
- History of Humor: Medieval Europe
- History of Humor: Modern and Contemporary China
- History of Humor: Modern and Contemporary Europe
- History of Humor: Modern Japan
- History of Humor: 19th-Century Europe
- History of Humor: Premodern Japan
- History of Humor: Renaissance Europe
- History of Humor: U.S. Frontier
- History of Humor: U.S. Modern and Contemporary
- Hoax and Prank
- Hobbesian Theory
- Homosexuality, Representation of
- Huaji-ists, The
- Humor, Computer-Generated
- Humor, Etymology of
- Humor, Forms of
- Humor and Relational Maintenance
- Humor Content Versus Structure
- Humor Detection
- Humor Group
- Humor Markers
- Humor Mindset
- Humor Production
- Humor Styles
- Humor Styles Measurement
- Humor Theories Humorist
- Humorous Names
- Humorous Stimuli, Characteristics of
- Identity
- Igbo Humor
- Improv Comedy
- Incongruity and Resolution
- Insult and Invective
- Intercultural Humor
- Internet Humor
- Inversion, Topsy-Turvy
- Irony
- Islam
- Jest, Jestbooks, and Jesters
- Jewish Humor
- Joke Cycles
- Jokes
- Joking Relationship
- Journalism
- Judaism
- Kyogen
- Lampoon
- Laugh, Laughter, Laughing
- Laughter, Psychology of
- Laughter and Smiling, Physiology of
- Lazzi
- Legal Education
- Legal Restriction and Protection of Humor
- Limericks
- Linguistic Theories of Humor
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Low Comedy
- Magazines and Newspapers, U.S.
- Magazines and Newspapers Outside the United States
- Management
- Marriage and Couples
- Masks
- Mathematical Humor
- Mathematics and Humor
- Maxim
- Mechanisms of Humor
- Medieval Visual Humor
- Menander
- Metaphor
- Mime
- Mirth
- Misdirection
- Mock Epic
- Mockumentary
- Molière
- Monty Python
- Movie Humor Types
- Movies
- Music
- Music Hall
- Musical Comedy
- National and Ethnic Differences
- Nonsense
- Obscenity
- Paradox
- Parody
- Pastiche
- Pattern Recognition
- Pedagogy
- Personality, Humor and
- Persuasion and Humor
- Philogelos
- Philosophy of Humor
- Phonological Jokes
- Pirandello, Luigi
- Platonic Theory of Humor
- Plautus
- Play and Humor
- Poetry
- Pointe
- Politeness
- Political Humor
- Positive Psychology
- Postmodern Irony
- Practical Jokes
- Prejudice, Humor and
- Presidential Humor
- Psychiatric Disorders
- Psychological Distance
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy, Humor in
- Punch Line
- Puns
- Puppets
- Rabelais, Frandcois
- Race, Representations of
- Rakugo
- Reactions to Humor, Non-Laughter
- Reception of Humor
- Reframing
- Relationships, Nonromantic
- Release Theories of Humor
- Religion
- Reversal Theory
- Rhetoric and Rhetorical Devices
- Riddle
- Ritual Clowns
- Rituals of Inversion
- Rituals of Laughter
- Roman Visual Humor
- Sanskrit Humor
- Satire
- Satire News
- Satyr Play
- Scatology
- Schwank
- Science, Science Fiction, and Humor
- Second Language Acquisition
- Semantics
- Senryu
- Sense of Humor, Components of
- Sexuality
- Shakespearean Comedy
- Share
- Sick Humor
- Simple Form
- Sitcoms
- Sketch Comedy Shows
- Slapstick
- Smiling and Laughter: Expressive Patterns
- Social Interaction
- Social Network
- Sociology
- South African Humor
- South American Literature, Humor in
- Southeast Asia, Cartooning in
- Speech Play
- Spoofing
- Sports
- Stand-Up Comedy
- Stereotypes
- Stress
- Subversive Humor
- Supreme Court
- Tall Tale
- Taoism
- Targets of Humor
- Teachers' Evaluations, Effect of Humor Use in Classroom on
- Teasing
- Test Measurements of Humor
- Testing and Evaluation
- 3 WD Humor Test
- Tickling
- Tom Swifty
- Tragicomedy
- Translation
- Travesty
- Trickster
- Urban Legends
- Uses and Gratifications Theory
- Variety Shows
- Verbal Dueling
- Verbal Humor
- Wellerism
- Witz
- Workplace Control
- Workplace Humor
- Workplace Productivity
- Workplace Resistance
- Xeroxlore
- Xiangsheng
- Xiangsheng, History of
- Xiehouyu
- Appendix A: Chronology
- Appendix B: Humor Associations and Publications.
- Contributors:
- Attardo, Salvatore, 1962- , editor
- Languages:
- English
- Language Notes:
- Item content: English
- Subjects:
- Genres:
- General Notes:
- "A SAGE Reference Publication."
Includes bibliographical references.
Description based on title page of print version. - Physical Description:
- 1 online resource (349 entries) : 90 images.
- Call Numbers:
- BF575.L3 E53 2014eb
- ISBNs:
- 9781784025816 (electronic version)
9781412999090 (hardcover) [Invalid] - Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- 2013036046 [Invalid]
- OCLC Numbers:
- 885199299
- Other Control Numbers:
- slc00234750 (source: CaBNVSL)
sagehumrstde2014 (source: Credo)
[Unknown Type]: Credo9781784025816