More Details
- Reviews estimates of tax revenue losses from the September 11 terrorist attacks, done by the New York City Office of Management and Budget and the New York State Division of Budget. Follow-up to earlier report (GAO-02-700R, "Review of studies of the economic impact of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center") issued May 29, 2002.
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
Alternate Titles:
- Running title: Impact of terrorist attacks on tax revenues
System Details:
- System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Mode of access: Internet from GAO web site. Address as of 9/3/02:; current access available via PURL.
General Notes:
- Title from title screen (viewed on Sept. 3, 2002).
"July 26, 2002."
Paper version available from: General Accounting Office, 441 G St., NW, Rm. LM, Washington, D.C. 20548.
Includes bibliographical references.
Physical Characteristics:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Digital Characteristics:
- text file
Call Numbers:
- GA 1.13:GAO-02-882 R
SuDocs Numbers:
- GA 1.13:GAO-02-882 R
Other Standard Numbers:
- Government Printing Office Item Number: 0546-D (online)
Report Number: GAO-02-882 R
OCLC Numbers:
- 50528330