More Details
Table of Contents:
- Na rekah Vavilonskih = By the Rivers of Babylon. (8:44)
- Velika ektenia = Great Litany. (5:08)
- Blagoslovi dushe moya gospoda = Bless the Lord O My Soul. (2:17)
- Malka ektenia = Small litany; Slava Ottsu I Sinu = Glory to the Lord and the Son. (3:29)
- Vo tsarstvii Tvoem = In Thy Kingdom; Priidite poklonimsya = Come let us worship. (5:40)
- Herouvimska pessen = Cherubic Song; Yako da Tsarya = As You Reign. (7:22
- Ottsa I Sina = The Lord and the Son. (1:00)
- Milost mira = Mercy of Peace; Tebe poem = We sing Thee. (7:04)
- Dostoino est = Meet It Is. (3:39)
- Otche nash = Our Father. (3:31)
- Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya = Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God. (1:13)
- Razboinika blagorazumnago = The Judicious Villain. (2:46)
- Hvalite imya Gospodne = Praise Ye the Name of the Lord. (2:16)
- Hristos voskrese I = Christ Is Risen; Hristos voskrese II = Christ Is Risen II; Mnogaya leta = Grant, O, Lord, Many Years. (6:26)
Language Notes:
- Sung in Church Slavic.
- Madrigal Sofia Chamber Choir, Stoyan Kralev, conductor ; various soloists.
Production Credits:
- Balance, G. Nedyalkov ; editing, V. Ivanov.
Performance Medium:
- 1 ensemble: mixed chorus
General Notes:
- Digitally recorded in St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in March 1998.
Description based on: Hard copy version record.
Physical Description:
- 1 online resource (1 audio file)
Audio Characteristics:
- digital
Digital Characteristics:
- audio file
Call Numbers:
- Online Audio
Other Standard Numbers:
- Publisher Number, Gega New: GD120
OCLC Numbers:
- 906567633