Battleground Korea: songs and sounds of America's forgotten war
- Resource Type:
- Music CD
- Creation:
- Created or produced in 1950
- Publication:
- [Holste-Oldendorf, Germany] : Bear Family, [2018]
- Copyright:
- ℗2018
Location | Call Number | Availability | Request |
LPCD 163,230- 163,233 | Checking availability |
More Details
- Table of Contents:
- Disc 1, Going to war again (77:27). War starts in Korea (U.N. spokesperson)
- War news blues (Lightnin' Hopkins)
- God please protect America (Sunshine Boys Quartet)
- Pray, pray pray (for the U.S.A.) (Wally Fowler, Oakridge Quartet)
- President Truman speaks on war in Korea (President Truman)
- When they raised the U.N. flag in South Korea (Hank Harral, Palamino Cowhands)
- Got to go back again (Four Barons)
- Back to Korea blues (Sunnyland Slim and his trio)
- Korea, here we come (Harry Choate)
- Goodbye Maria : (I'm off to Korea) (Vince Mondi)
- My new career is in Korea (Paul Mims)
- Draftboard blues (Vance Brothers)
- Draft board blues (Ray Anderson, Tennessee Mountaineers)
- Uncle Sam has called my number (Arkie Shibley, Mountain Dew Boys)
- I'm a soldier boy again (Smilin' Eddie Vernado, Delta Ranch Hands)
- Here we go again (Harvey Stone)
- Korea blues (Fats Domino)
- Korea blues (Clifford Blivens, Johnny Otis Band)
- Korea blues (Willie Brown)
- Sorry girl blues (Max Bailey)
- Questionnaire blues (B.B. King)
- Questionnaire blues (John Lee Hooker (Johnny Williams))
- Uncle Sam blues (Sonny Thompson)
- Mailman blues (Lloyd Price)
- Mr. So and So (Big Boy Crudup)
- Greetings (Bob Newman)
- I'm back in the army (Tani Allen, Tennessee Pals)
- (In again, out again) Packing up my barracks bags blues (Cactus Pryor, Pricklypears)
- The K.P. blues (Montana Slim (Wilf Carter, the singing cowboy))
- Message from Vic Damone (Vic Damone)
- The girls are marching (Rockets, Hugo Winterhalter and his orchestra)
- Disc 2, Somewhere in Korea (77:39). Heading for Korea (newsreel announcer)
- Korea : (fightin' in the foreign land) (Gospel Pilgrims)
- Foxhole in Korea (Bill Cason)
- Inchon (Steve Rogers)
- Thank God for victory in Korea (Jimmie Osborne)
- The ballad of Chosin (John Carpino)
- We're moving on (Oscar Brand, Short Arms)
- I'm in Korea (J.B. Lenoir)
- Robert Pierpoint under fire in Korea
- Heartbreak Ridge (Delmore Brothers)
- A heartsick soldier on Heartbreak Ridge (Ernest Tubb)
- Where the need is (Four Lads
- Edward R. Murrow, narrator)
- Korean mud (Elton Britt)
- Request for blood donations (Howdy Doody)
- No news from home (Tommy (Weepin' and Cryin') Brown)
- Lost in Korea (Sherman "Blues" Johnson, Clouds of Joy)
- From a foxhole (Jack Powers)
- A soldier's prayer (William Cook, Marshall Brothers)
- Please say a prayer : (for the boys over there) (Rocky Porter)
- Sad news from Korea (Lightnin' Hopkins)
- A brother in Korea (Sonny Osborne)
- From mother's arms to Korea (Louvin Brothers)
- Wrap my body in Old Glory (Carl Sauceman, Green Valley Boys)
- Red white and blue (Slim Rhodes)
- Rotation blues (Elton Britt)
- Pusan (Billy Mize)
- A prisoner of war (Jim Eanes)
- When I get back (Kay Kellum, Dixie Ramblers)
- Somewhere in Korea (Kalvin Brothers)
- Disc 3, On the homefront (79:02). A GI writes to his kids : a posthumous letter (newsreel announcer)
- Dear little girls (Red Foley)
- Daddy's last letter (Tex Ritter)
- Two letters (Tiny Hill)
- When they drop the atomic bomb (Jackie Doll, Pickled Peppers)
- The Truman-MacArthur dispute that led the president to fire the general (Alan Jackson, President Truman)
- Oh! Mr. President (R.D. Henden, Western Jamboree Cowboys)
- General of the Army Douglas MacArthur reports to Congress (General MacArthur)
- Old soldiers never die (Gene Autry)
- (Old generals never die) They just fade away (Jimmie Short, Silver Saddle Ranch Boys)
- Fade away baby (Ray Snead)
- Rep. James E. Van Zandt supports the use of the atomic bomb in Korea (James E. Van Zandt)
- Please Daddy, don't go to war ("Skeets" McDonald)
- Why does the Army need my daddy (George Simerly, Tennesseans)
- God bless my daddy (Cecil Gant)
- Don't steal Daddy's medal (Oklahoma Sweethearts)
- God is on our side (Jimmie Heap, Melody Masters)
- I'll be glad when it's over (over there) (Dixie Ramblers)
- I'm prayin' for the day : (when peace will come) (Roscoe Hankins)
- Heavenly Father (Edna McGriff)
- At mail call today (Gene Autry)
- A Dear John letter (Jean Shepard
- Ferlin Husky, recitation)
- John's reply (Pete Lane, Bernice Stabile)
- Dear Joan (Jack Cardwell)
- Forgive me John (Jean Shepard
- Ferlin Husky, recitation)
- Male call (Emitt Slay Trio)
- A letter from home (Hank Penny)
- I like Ike (Promenade Band, male chorus)
- "I shall go to Korea..." (General Eisenhower) Drive soldier drive (Little Maxie)
- Five star president (Eddie Kirk)
- Disc 4, Peace and its legacies (79:41). President Eisenhower announces an armistice in Korea (President Eisenhower)
- There's peace in Korea (Sister Rosetta Tharpe)
- Ike (Revelers)
- The Korean story (Jimmie Osborne)
- The war is over (Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup)
- The war is over (Lightning Hopkins)
- Leavin' Korea (Soldier Boy Houston)
- Hello Maria (Jimmie Dale)
- Welcome home baby (King Perry Orchestra
- Dell St. John, vocal)
- Back from Korea (Rose Brown, Jimmie Harris, Bubbles & his band)
- No more black nights (Dave Bartholomew)
- Back home (Jimmy Witherspoon)
- His new war bride (Margie Collie)
- Harry Holt brings Korean war orphans to Portland, Oregon (newsreel announcer)
- The legend of Harry Holt (Kwan Li)
- The Iron Curtain has parted (Don Windle)
- Missing in action (Ernest Tubb)
- Returned from missing in action (Smilin' Jim Eanes, Shenandoah Valley Boys)
- I'm still a prisoner (Billy Strange)
- Re-enlistment blues (Merle Travis)
- The red deck of cards (Red River Dave)
- I've changed my mind : (and I'll go home again) (Eddie Hill)
- Purple heart (Jim & Jesse, Virginia Boys)
- White cross in Korea (Don "Red" Barry)
- Korea's mountain northland (Marvin Rainwater)
- A white cross marks the grave (Carl Sauceman, Green Valley Boys)
- The unknown soldier (Elton Britt)
- Searching for you, buddy (Red River Dave)
- Forgotten men (Don Reno, Red Smiley, Tennessee Cutups)
- China nights = Shina no yoru (Dick Curless (the Rice Paddy Ranger)).
- Contributors:
- Keesing, Hugo , writer of supplementary textual contentGeerhart, Bill , writer of supplementary textual contentHopkins, Lightnin', 1912-1982 , performerFowler, Wally , performerTruman, Harry S., 1884-1972 , speakerHarral, Henry , performerSunnyland Slim, 1907-1995 , performerChoates, Harry, 1922-1951 , performerMondi, Vince , performerMims, Paul , performerAnderson, Ray (Musician) , performerShibley, Arkie, 1914-1975 , performerVernado, Eddie , performerStone, Harvey, 1913-1974 , performerDomino, Fats, 1928-2017 , performerBlivens, Clifford , performerBrown, Willie, 1900-1952 , performerBailey, Scatman , performerKing, B. B. , performerHooker, John Lee , performerThompson, Sonny , performerPrice, Lloyd , performerCrudup, Arthur, 1905-1974 , performerNewman, Bob, 1915-1979 , performerAllen, Tani , performerPryor, Cactus , performerMontana Slim, 1904-1996 , performerDamone, Vic , performerWinterhalter, Hugo, 1909-1973 , conductorCason, Bill, 1924- , performerRogers, Steve (Musician) , performerOsborne, Jimmie, 1923-1957 , performerCarpino, John , performerBrand, Oscar , performerLenoir, J. B., 1929-1967 , performerTubb, Ernest, 1914-1984 , performerMurrow, Edward R., 1908-1965 , speakerBritt, Elton, 1917-1972 , performerBrown, Tommy (Singer) , performerJohnson, Sherman "Blues" , performerPowers, Jack (Singer) , performerCook, William (Musician) , performerPorter, Rocky , performerOsborne, Sonny , performerSauceman, Carl , performerRhodes, Slim , performerMize, Billy , performerEanes, Jim , performerKellum, Kay , performerFoley, Red, 1910-1968 , performerRitter, Tex , performerHill, Tiny , performerDoll, Jackie , performerJackson, Allan , speakerHenden, R. D. , performerMacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964 , speakerAutry, Gene, 1907-1998 , performerShort, Jimmie , performerSnead, Ray , performerMcDonald, Skeets , performerSimerly, George , performerGant, Cecil, 1913-1951 , performerHeap, Jimmy, 1922-1977 , performerHankins, Roscoe , performerMcGriff, Edna , performerShepard, Jean, 1933-2016 , performerHusky, Ferlin , speakerLane, Pete , performerStabile, Bernice , performerCardwell, Jack , performerPenny, Hank , performerKirk, Eddie, 1919-1997 , performerTharpe, Rosetta, 1915-1973 , performerHouston, Lawyer , performerDale, Jimmie , performerPerry, King , performerSt. John, Dell , performerBrown, Rose , performerHarris, Jimmie , performerBubbles (Musician) , performerBartholomew, Dave , performerWitherspoon, Jimmy , performerCollie, Margie , performerLi, Kwan (Musician) , performerWindle, Don , performerStrange, Billy , performerTravis, Merle , performerHill, Eddie, 1921-1994 , performerBarry, Donald, 1912-1980 , performerRainwater, Marvin , performerReno, Don , performerSmiley, Red, 1925-1972 , performerCurless, Dick, 1932-1995 , performerSunshine Boys Quartet , performer, Quartet , performer, Cowhands (Musical group) , performer, Barons (Musical group) , performer, Brothers , performer, Mountaineers (Musical group) , performer, Dew Boys , performer, Ranch Hands (Musical group) , performer, Otis Band , performer, Pals (Musical group) , performer, (Musical group) , performer, (Vocal group) , performer, Pilgrims (Musical group) , performer, Arms (Musical group) , performer, Brothers , performer, Lads , performer, Clouds of Joy (Musical group) , performer, Brothers (Musical group) , performer, Brothers , performer, Valley Boys (Musical group) , performer, Ramblers (Musical group : Tennessee) , performer, Brothers , performer, Peppers (Musical group) , performer, Jamboree Cowboys , performer, Saddle Ranch Boys , performer, (Musical group : George Simerly) , performer, Sweethearts (Musical group) , performer, Masters (Musical group) , performer, Ramblers (Musical group) , performer, Slay Trio , performer, Band , performer, (Vocal group) , performer, Valley Boys , performer, and Jesse , performer, Boys , performer, Cutups (Musical group) , performer,
- Languages:
- English
- Language Notes:
- Item content: English
- Subjects:
- Performers:
- Various performers.
- Performance Medium:
- 1 ensemble: ensemble
Speaker - General Notes:
- Popular, country, blues, and bluesgrass songs from the Korean War era; also includes some recordings of speeches.
Title from bound book.
Recorded principally 1950-1954.
Most selections previously released.
Program notes, biographical notes on the performers, and discography by Hugo Keesing with Bill Geerhart, with lyrics, in bound book (159 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm). - Physical Description:
- 4 audio discs (5 hr., 13 min., 49 sec.) ; 4 3/4 in.
- Physical Characteristics:
- plastic; metal; 4 3/4 in.; 1.4 m/s; mass-produced
- Audio Characteristics:
- digital; optical
- Digital Characteristics:
- audio file; CD audio
- Call Numbers:
- LPCD 163,230- 163,233
- Other Standard Numbers:
- International Article Number: 5397102175183
Publisher Number, Bear Family: BCD 17518 (set)
Publisher Number, Bear Family: 17518
Publisher Number, Bear Family: BCD 17518-1 (disc 1)
Publisher Number, Bear Family: BCD 17518-2 (disc 2)
Publisher Number, Bear Family: BCD 17518-3 (disc 3)
Publisher Number, Bear Family: BCD 17518-4 (disc 4) - Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- 2018627355
- OCLC Numbers:
- 1028097813