More Details
Table of Contents:
- Hey Jude (03 min., 21 sec.) / Lennon
- Ticket to Ride (03 min., 02 sec.) / Lennon
- Imagine (03 min., 03 sec.) / Lennon
- Michelle (03 min., 20 sec.) / Lennon
- A Hard Days Night (02 min., 25 sec.) / Lennon
- Get Back (02 min., 41 sec.) / Lennon
- Yesterday (02 min., 30 sec.) / Lennon
- Ob-la-di, ob-la-da (03 min., 17 sec.) / Lennon
- Crimson and Clover (03 min., 18 sec.) / James
- The Fool on the Hill (04 min., 04 sec.) / Lennon
- I'm a Believer (02 min., 37 sec.) / Diamond
- Lady Madonna (02 min., 26 sec.) / Lennon
- Let It Be (02 min., 47 sec.) / Lennon
- Something (03 min., 27 sec.) / Harrison
- You Made It Right (03 min., 40 sec.) / Anderson
- Poor Little Fool (02 min., 19 sec.) / Sheeley
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (03 min., 15 sec.) / Lennon
- All My Loving (03 min., 06 sec.) / Lennon
- Eleanor Rigby (02 min., 10 sec.) / Lennon
- Come Together (03 min., 03 sec.) / Lennon
- Lucille (02 min., 49 sec.) / Richard
- I Feel Fine (02 min., 47 sec.) / Lennon
- The Long and Winding Road (02 min., 43 sec.) / Lennon
- Can't Buy Me Love (01 min., 53 sec.) / Lennon
- Norwegian Wood (This Bird has Flown) (03 min., 40 sec.) / Lennon.
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
- Malaquias, Caca, Artist -- Cowboy Group, Ensemble -- Jamaica Kingston Band, Ensemble -- Savva, Savvas, Artist -- Tsistaros, Leonildas, Artist -- Rebels, The, Ensemble -- Fleming, Robb, Artist -- Stample, Terence, Artist -- Charlie B., , Artist -- Pietro Manccini Orchestra, Orchestra -- Cetera, Silver, Artist -- Sao Paulo Country, Ensemble -- Lennon, John, Composer -- McCartney, Paul, Composer -- Sheeley, Sharon, Composer -- Richard, Little, Composer -- Collins, Albert, Composer -- Diamond, Neil, Composer -- Harrison, George, Composer -- Anderson, Elizabeth, Composer -- Dillon, James, Composer -- James, Tommy, Composer -- Lucia, Jr., Peter, Composer.
Physical Description:
- 1 online resource (audio files)
Audio Characteristics:
- digital
Digital Characteristics:
- audio file
Call Numbers:
- Online Audio
Other Standard Numbers:
- Universal Product Code: 789709880376
OCLC Numbers:
- 913862453
Other Control Numbers:
- [Unknown Type]: naxosBRCD376