More Details
Table of Contents:
- Nocturne #3 ; D minor etude #3 ; Evening prayer ; Valse and variations / William Bay
- Ghost lover ; Soñadora ; Tango loco / Michael Bellmont
- Small chaconne for the great whales ; Meditation of the lamb / Glenn J. Caluda
- Huayno ; Euclídica ; Candombe / Javier Contreras
- Lucarna ; Retrato antiguo ; Eólico / Alberto Cumplido
- Bolero I ; Nocturno II ; Nocturno III / Guilldermo Diego
- A San Juan ; Felis catus ; Por lo fino y por lo grueso / Juan Falú
- Desert song ; Cooper's creek ; Waiting for the sun / Keith Gehle
- A waltz for Maurice ; Desert sketch ; Leslie's song / Frederic Hand
- Chumley's ; Jedediah. First movement ; Second movement ; Third movement / Ken Hatfield
- Ancestral bells ; Secret tango ; Delta / Roger Hudson
- Duendes mulatos ; Milonga de un entrevero ; Camino de las tropas / Carlos Moscardini
- La danse de la vie macabre ; Vals brevis no. 10 / Harry Pellegrin
- Chromatic prelude ; Melancholy prelude ; Energetic prelude ; Mysterious prelude / Charles Postlewate
- Isla I ; Isla II / Jorge Ritter
- Arrullo a Martina ; Pirecua en nogal ; Platerías / Gerardo Tamez
- Wish ; Into dark ; Higher ground / Andrew York.
Language Notes:
- Staff notation.
Performance Medium:
- 1 performer: guitar
1 performer: guitar
General Notes:
- Includes preface in English by the compilers.
Biographical notes of the composers precede their respective compositions.
Physical Description:
- 1 score (192 pages) ; 31 cm
Call Numbers:
- M126 .C65 2017
- 9780786699223
Other Standard Numbers:
- Publisher Number, Mel Bay: MB30612
OCLC Numbers:
- 999898216