More Details
Language Notes:
- Articles in Ukrainian or Russian; table of contents and summaries also in English.
Alternate Titles:
- ISSN key title: Sučasnì ìnformacìjnì tehnologìï u sferì bezpeki ta oboroni (Online)
Modern information technologies in the sphere of security and defense
Sovremennye informat͡sionnye tekhnologii v sfere bezopasnosti i oborony
System Details:
- Mode of access: World Wide Web.
General Notes:
- Access restricted to subscribing institutions.
Description based on: 2013, No. 3 (18); title from contents page (publisher's journal web site, viewed August 19, 2016).
Latest issue consulted: 2015, No. 3 (viewed August 19, 2016).
Call Numbers:
- Periodical UA10.5
- 2410-7336
ISSN-L: 2311-7249
Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- 2016238306
Other Control Numbers:
- ssj0001731793 (source: WaSeSS)