More Details
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
Alternate Titles:
- Abbreviated title: Int. rev. Afr. Am. art
ISSN key title: The International review of African American art
African American art
International review of African American arts
System Details:
- Mode of access: World Wide Web.
General Notes:
- Title varies slightly: International review of African American arts.
Title from cover.
Access restricted to subscribing institutions.
Most volumes cover two years.
No years of publication printed on pieces, 1984-2009.
Publisher's statement indicates quarterly, however copyright dates suggest two to three issues published yearly, 1984-2008.
One issue published for 2012?
Numbering adjusted, by using issue numbers v. 24, no. 3A and v. 24, no. 3B, to account for resumption of quarterly publication in 2013. Actual numbers per year may sometimes vary despite stated resumption of quarterly publication, <2013->
Vol. 6 and v. 7, no. 1 in v. 7, no. 3.
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 30, no. 2, copyrighted in 2020.
Call Numbers:
- Periodical NX164.N4
- 1045-0920
ISSN-L: 1045-0920
Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- 89655020
sn 84042914 (i.e., sn84042914) [Invalid]
Other Control Numbers:
- ssj0008763 (source: WaSeSS)