More Details
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
Alternate Titles:
- Abbreviated title: Mus. news (Washington)
ISSN key title: Museum news (Washington)
System Details:
- Mode of access: World Wide Web.
General Notes:
- Editors: Jan. 1-Oct. 1, 1924, L.V. Coleman.--Oct. 15, 1924-<Apr. 15, 1926> M.B. Hartt.
Access restricted to subscribing institutions.
Some numbers accompanied by supplements.
Vols. 1-30, 1924-Apr. 15, 1953 (supplement to Apr. 15, 1953). 1 v.
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 86, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2007).
Call Numbers:
- Periodical AM1
- 0027-4089
ISSN-L: 0027-4089
Other Standard Numbers:
Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- 26018042
Other Control Numbers:
- ssj0039859 (source: WaSeSS)