More Details
Table of Contents:
- Kyrie Le roy / John Taverner (5:21)
- Alleluya V. Veni electa mea / John Taverner (3:37)
- Ave Dei patris filia / John Taverner (13:52)
- O rex gloriose / John Mason (1:34)
- Ave Maria / Robert Parsons (3:32)
- The Lord's prayer / John Sheppard (3:41)
- I heard a voice / Thomas Weelkes (2:56)
- Give ear, O Lord / Thomas Weelkes (5:31)
- Ninth service: Magnificat (8:37) ; Nunc dimittis (6:48) / Thomas Weelkes
- Factum est silentium . Richard Dering (2:45)
- Hosanna to the Son of David . Orlando Gibbons (2:25)
Language Notes:
- Sung in Latin.
- Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford ; Stephen Darlington, director.
General Notes:
- Brief notes in English inserted in container.
Physical Description:
- 1 audio disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Physical Characteristics:
- plastic; metal; 4 3/4 in.; 1.4 m/s; mass-produced
Audio Characteristics:
- digital; optical; 1.4 m/s; stereo
Digital Characteristics:
- audio file; CD audio
Call Numbers:
- LPCD 129,878
Other Standard Numbers:
- International Article Number: 5055031313204
Publisher Number, Regis: RRC 1320
OCLC Numbers:
- 637006307