More Details
Art Press , printer,
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
General Notes:
- In verse.
Continuous sheet accordion folded in five panels, each panel with upper and lower flaps, which when lifted reveal metamorphic illustrations. It opens horizontally, with fourth panel pasted to rear cover; panels 1-2, and 5 are printed on both sides.
"Printed at Art Press. 500 copies" -- colophon.
"Illustrated by C. Ernest Massmann. Hand coloring by Eloise and Robert Massman" -- verso of 2nd panel.
Massmann, R.E. Bib. of REM Miniatures. 1st suppl. 1978-1982, no. 58.
Bradbury, R.C. 20th century U.S. miniature books, p. 241, no. 58.
Gift: April 2002.
Libraries' copy is number 216.
A copy of the prospectus for this work has been donated to the Miniatures Collection by the publisher. It consists of a cover within which are attached two leaves of text with information on the publication and ordering address, and a sample of the title page of the work with an example of the folding illustrations. Prospectus is shelved with the volume.
Prospectus: Gift Robert E. Massmann, May 2002.
Physical Description:
- 1 folded sheet : color illustrations ; 28 x 14 cm folded to 64 x 64 mm
Call Numbers:
- Z232.R64 M48 1980
OCLC Numbers:
- 1053011787
46621391 [Invalid]