More Details
Language Notes:
- Item content: English
Alternate Titles:
- ISSN key title: New-York musical review and gazette
New-York musical review and gazette
Running title: Musical review and gazette
Microfilm SHELVED AS: The: Choral advocate, New York weekly review, 1850-1873
Publication Frequency:
- Biweekly
General Notes:
With v. 6, no. 11-27 (May 19-Dec. 29, 1855) of New-York musical review and gazette is bound v. 6, no. 10 (May 10, 1855) of New-York musical review and choral advocate.
Title from caption.
Also available on microfilm from Opus Publications as part of the microfilm series: 19th century American music periodicals ; 43.
Physical Description:
- 6 volumes : music ; 29 cm
Vol. 6, no. 11 (May 19, 1855)-v. 11, no. 15 (July 21, 1860) = Whole no. 85-no. 220.
Call Numbers:
- Periodical ML
ML1 .N47
Library of Congress Control Numbers:
- sn 90035282 (i.e., sn90035282)
OCLC Numbers:
- 5005995