1 Result #1: Extended deterrence and allied assurance: key concepts and current challenges for U.S. policy [2013] Creators & Contributors: Anderson, Justin V.; Larsen, Jeffrey Arthur, 1954- +2 more E-Book USAF Academy, Colorado : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, 2013 D 305.24:69 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
2 Result #2: Qualitative considerations of nuclear forces at lower numbers and implications for future arms control negotiations: an Air Force emerging issues report [2012] Creators & Contributors: Larsen, Jeffrey Arthur, 1954-; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colorado : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, 2012 D 305.24:68 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
3 Result #3: Conventional arms control and American policy in the 21st century [2010] Creators & Contributors: McCausland, Jeffrey D.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, 2010 D 305.24:67 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF) Check availability
4 Result #4: Global insurgency strategy and the Salafi Jihad movement [2008] Creators & Contributors: Shultz, Richard H., 1947-; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2008] D 305.24:66 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
5 Result #5: Strategic culture and violent non-state actors: weapons of mass destruction and asymmetrical operations concepts and cases [2008] Creators & Contributors: Smith, James M., 1948-; Long, Jerry M. (Jerry Mark), 1951- +2 more E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2008] D 305.24:64 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
6 Result #6: Information warfare arms control: risks and costs [2006] Creators & Contributors: Thom, Maxie C.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2006] D 305.24:63 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
7 Result #7: International security negotiations: lessons learned from negotiating with the Russians on nuclear arms [2006] Creators & Contributors: Wheeler, Michael O.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2006] D 305.24:62 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
8 Result #8: The art of peace: dissuading China from developing counter-space weapons [2005] Creators & Contributors: Meteyer, David O.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2005] D 305.24:60 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
9 Result #9: Biowarfare lessons, emerging biosecurity issues, and ways to monitor dual-use biotechnology trends in the future [2005] Creators & Contributors: Purkitt, Helen E., 1950-; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2005] D 305.24:61 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
10 Result #10: Israel's attack on Osiraq: a model for future preventive strikes? [2005] Creators & Contributors: Ford, Peter S.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2005] D 305.24:59 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
11 Result #11: Turbulent arena: global effects against non-state adversaries [2005] Creators & Contributors: Thomas, Troy S.; Casebeer, William D. +1 more E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2005] D 305.24:58 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
12 Result #12: Armed groups: a tier-one security priority [2004] Creators & Contributors: Shultz, Richard H., 1947-; Farah, Douglas +2 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:57 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
13 Result #13: Carrot, stick, or sledgehammer: US policy options for North Korean nuclear weapons [2004] Creators & Contributors: Orcutt, Daniel J.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:56 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
14 Result #14: India's emerging security strategy, missile defense, and arms control [2004] Creators & Contributors: Burgess, Stephen Franklin; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:54 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
15 Result #15: Perspectives on arms control [2004] Creators & Contributors: Wheeler, Michael O.; Smith, James M., 1948- +2 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:55 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
16 Result #16: Violent systems: defeating terrorists, insurgents, and other non-state adversaries [2004] Creators & Contributors: Thomas, Troy S.; Casebeer, William D. +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:52 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
17 Result #17: The worried well: strategies for installation commanders [2004] Creators & Contributors: Pilch, Fran; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2004] D 305.24:53 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
18 Result #18: Arms control without arms control: the failure of the Biological Weapons Convention protocol and a new paradigm for fighting the threat of biological weapons [2003] Creators & Contributors: Roberts, Guy B.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Coloado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2003] D 305.24:49 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
19 Result #19: Effects, targets, and tools: a primer for US strategy and an application examining the security dynamics of northeast Asia [2003] Creators & Contributors: Drohan, Thomas Alan; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2003] D 305.24:50 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
20 Result #20: Egypt as a failing state: implications for US national security [2003] Creators & Contributors: Beitler, Ruth Margolies, 1966-; Jebb, Cindy R., 1960- +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2003] D 305.24:51 Loading... 3 Available Online Check availability
21 Result #21: View from the East: Arab perceptions of United States presence and policy [2003] Creators & Contributors: Talbot, Brent J.; Meyer, Michael B. +1 more E-Book USAF Academy, CO : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2003] D 305.24:48 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
22 Result #22: "All our tomorrows": a long-range forecast of global trends affecting arms control technology [2002] Creators & Contributors: Smith, James M., 1948-; Larsen, Jeffrey Arthur, 1954- +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2002] D 305.24:44 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
23 Result #23: Lords of the Silk Route: violent non-state actors in central Asia [2002] Creators & Contributors: Thomas, Troy S.; Kiser, Stephen D. +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2002] D 305.24:43 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
24 Result #24: Northeast Asia regional security and the United States military: context, presence, and roles [2002] Creators & Contributors: Bryant, Susan F.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [2002] D 305.24:47 Loading... 5 Available Online Check availability
25 Result #25: "Squaring the circle": cooperative security and military operations [2002] Creators & Contributors: McCausland, Jeffrey D.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2002] D 305.24:45 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
26 Result #26: Tactical nuclear weapons: debunking the mythology [2002] Creators & Contributors: Cappello, John T.; Hall, Gwendolyn M. +2 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2002] D 305.24:46 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
27 Result #27: United States military space: into the twenty-first century [2002] Creators & Contributors: Hays, Peter L.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book USAF Academy, Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies ; Maxwell AFB, Ala. : Air University Press, 2002 D 305.24:42 Loading... 3 Available Online Check availability
28 Result #28: Aerospace power in urban warfare: beware the hornet's nest [2001] Creators & Contributors: Hunt, Peter C.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:39 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
29 Result #29: The Common European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) [2001] Creators & Contributors: Gunning, Edward G.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:41 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
30 Result #30: Constraints, restraints, and the role of aerospace power in the 21st century [2001] Creators & Contributors: Beene, Jeffrey K.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:38 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
31 Result #31: The rollback of South Africa's biological warfare program [2001] Creators & Contributors: Burgess, Stephen Franklin; Purkitt, Helen E., 1950- +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:37 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
32 Result #32: This arms control dog won't hunt: the proposed fissile material cut-off treaty at the conference on disarmament [2001] Creators & Contributors: Roberts, Guy B.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:36 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
33 Result #33: US policy towards secession in the Balkans and effectiveness of de facto partition; Improving US-Russian relations through peacekeeping operations [2001] Creators & Contributors: Farkas, Evelyn N.; Makros, Beth L. +2 more E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2001] D 305.24:40 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
34 Result #34: Indo-Russian military and nuclear cooperation: implications for U.S. security interests [2000] Creators & Contributors: Conley, Jerome M.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, CO] : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2000] D 305.24:31 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
35 Result #35: Prospects for a conventional arms reduction treaty and confidence-building measures in Northeast Asia [2000] Creators & Contributors: Jenkins, Bonnie D.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo. :] : [USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy], [2000] D 305.24:34 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
36 Result #36: The viability of U.S. anti-satellite (ASAT) policy: moving toward space control [2000] Creators & Contributors: Johnson-Freese, Joan; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2000] D 305.24:30 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
37 Result #37: Water: the hydraulic of conflict in the Middle East and North Africa [2000] Creators & Contributors: Kiser, Stephen D.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [2000] D 305.24:35 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
38 Result #38: The Chinese People's Liberation Army: "short arms and slow legs" [1999] Creators & Contributors: Howard, Russell D.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [1999] D 305.24:28 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
39 Result #39: Interpreting shadows: arms control and defense planning in a rapidly changing multi-polar world [1999] Creators & Contributors: King, David R.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy], [1999] D 305.24:26 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
40 Result #40: Juggling the bear: assessing NATO enlargement in light of Europe's past and Asia's future [1999] Creators & Contributors: Fadok, David S.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [Institute for National Security Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy], [1999] D 305.24:24 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
41 Result #41: NATO: potential sources of tension [1999] Creators & Contributors: Wood, Joseph R.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [Institute for National Security Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy], [1999] D 305.24:23 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
42 Result #42: The next peace operation: U.S. Air Force issues and perspectives: trends in peacekeeping [1999] Creators & Contributors: Thomas, William C., 1966-; Cukierman, Jeremy D. +1 more E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [USAF Institute for National Security Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy], [1999] D 305.24:25 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
43 Result #43: Out of (South) Africa: Pretoria's nuclear weapons experience [1999] Creators & Contributors: Horton, Roy E.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], CO : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [1999] D 305.24:27 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
44 Result #44: Overcoming uncertainty: U.S.-China strategic relations in the 21st century [1999] Creators & Contributors: Anderson, Walter N.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [1999] D 305.24:29 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
45 Result #45: Counterforce: locating and destroying weapons of mass destruction [1998] Creators & Contributors: Chandler, Robert W.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, [1998] D 305.24:21 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
46 Result #46: Environmental security in the Czech Republic: status and concerns in the post-Communist era [1998] Creators & Contributors: Valley, Paul J.; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [1998] D 305.24:22 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online version (PDF)Scroll down page to select desired report. Check availability
47 Result #47: A post-Cold War nuclear strategy model [1998] Creators & Contributors: Hall, Gwendolyn M.; Cappello, John T. +2 more E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy], [1998] D 305.24:20 Loading... FIND IT Online PDF version Connect to online resource Check availability
48 Result #48: Uncharted paths, uncertain vision: U.S. military involvements in Sub-Saharan Africa in the wake of the Cold War [1998] Creators & Contributors: Henk, Dan; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs, Colo.] : [USAF Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy], [1998] D 305.24:18 Loading... FIND IT Online PDF version Connect to online resource Check availability
49 Result #49: USAF culture and cohesion: building an air and space force for the 21st century [1998] Creators & Contributors: Smith, James M., 1948-; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, [1998] D 305.24:19 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability
50 Result #50: Environmental federalism and U.S. military installations: a framework for compliance [1997] Creators & Contributors: Smith, James M., 1948-; USAF Institute for National Security Studies E-Book [Colorado Springs], Colo. : USAF Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, [1997] D 305.24:14 Loading... 2 Available Online Check availability