64 Matching Results
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Result #2: DK timelines > Emmeline Pankhurst [2022]
Result #4: Suffrage and the arts: visual culture, politics and enterprise [2019]
Result #6: Emily Wilding Davidson: the martyr suffragette [2018]
Result #7: Snatches: moments from 100 years of women's lives: [eight monologues] [2018]
Result #8: Suffragettes [2018]
Result #9: Suffrage discourse in Britain during the First World War [2016]
Result #10: Sally Heathcote, suffragette [2014]
Result #11: Aftermath of suffrage: women, gender, and politics in Britain, 1918-1945 [2013]
Result #12: Women's suffrage memorabilia: an illustrated historical study [2013]
Result #13: International women's periodicals, 1786-1933: social and political issues [2012]
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Result #14: The women's suffrage bill [2012]
Result #15: The British women's suffrage campaign, 1866-1928 [2007]
Result #16: The women's suffrage movement in Britain and Ireland: a regional survey [2006]
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Table of contents
Result #19: A suffrage reader: charting directions in British suffrage history [2000]
Result #20: Votes for women [2000]
Result #21: Votes for women [2000]
Result #23: The struggle for women's rights: theoretical and historical sources [1999]
Result #24: The women's suffrage movement in Britain, 1866-1928 [1999]
Result #25: The new woman and other emancipated woman plays [1998]
Result #26: With all her might: the life of Gertrude Harding, militant suffragette [1998]
Result #27: The women's suffrage movement: new feminist perspectives [1998]
Result #28: Suffrage and power: the women's movement, 1918-1928 [1997]
Result #32: The spectacle of women: imagery of the suffrage campaign, 1907-14 [1988]
Result #33: Before the vote was won: arguments for and against women's suffrage [1987]
Result #34: Sex and suffrage in Britain, 1860-1914 [1987]
Result #37: Electoral reform in war and peace, 1906-18 [1978]
Result #38: Separate spheres: the opposition to woman suffrage in Britain [1978]
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