71 Matching Results
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Result #2: Karib: Nordic journal for Caribbean studies [2014 to present]
Result #4: Many struggles: new histories of African and Caribbean people in Britain [2023]
Result #5: The silver women: how Black women's labor made the Panama Canal [2023]
Result #6: Small axe: five films by Steve McQueen [2023]
Result #7: The lonely Londoners [2021]
Added March 2025Result #8: Caribbean migrations: the legacies of colonialism [2020]
Result #9: Small axe [2020]
Result #11: Queer coolie-tudes [2019]
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Result #13: The nigger of the Narcissus: a tale of the sea [2017]
Result #14: The West Indian generation: remaking British culture in London, 1945-1965 [2017]
Result #16: Creole renegades: rhetoric of betrayal and guilt in the Caribbean diaspora [2014]
Result #17: Radical moves: Caribbean migrants and the politics of race in the jazz age [2013]
Result #22: The migration of peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas [2011]
Result #23: Paving the empire road: BBC television and Black Britons [2011]
Result #24: North of the color line: migration and Black resistance in Canada, 1870-1955 [2010]
Result #25: Shifting homelands, travelling identities: writers of the Caribbean diaspora [2009]
Result #26: Left of Karl Marx: the political life of Black Communist Claudia Jones [2008]
Result #27: Survival of the knitted: immigrant social networks in a stratified world [2007]
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Result #28: The other Black Bostonians: West Indians in Boston, 1900-1950 [2006]
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