1 Result #1: Mensuraltheoretische Relevanz und Satztechnik: Ars vetus et nova, Traktate der johanneischen Mensurallehre und Ars magis subtiliter ordinata: ein Versuch [2018] Creators & Contributors: Ristory, Heinz Book (Print/Paper) Kitchener, ON, Canada : The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2018 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
2 Result #2: Capturing music: the story of notation [2015] Creators & Contributors: Kelly, Thomas Forrest; Metcalfe, Scott +9 more Book (CD) New York : W. W. Norton & Company, [2015] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Available - Music Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: The monstrous new art: divided forms in the late medieval motet [2015] Creators & Contributors: Zayaruznaya, Anna Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2015 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
4 Result #4: Compositional techniques in the four-part isorhythmic motets of Philippe de Vitry and his contemporaries [1989] Creators & Contributors: Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel Book (Print/Paper) New York : Garland, 1989 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability