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Result #2: The year in trade: operation of the trade agreements program [1991 to present]
Result #3: Trade policy agenda and... annual report of the President of the United States on the trade agreements program [1990 to present]
Result #4: Trade policy agenda and... annual report of the President of the United States on the trade agreements program [1990 to present]
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Result #5: The year in trade: operation of the trade agreements program during... [1997 to present]
Result #6: The year in trade: operation of the trade agreements program during... [1997 to present]
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Full text available from U.S. Government Documents: 1995 to present
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Result #9: U.S.-China phase I deal: agriculture [2020 to present]
Result #11: Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) [2019 to present]
Result #12: Trade promotion authority and fast-track negotiating authority for trade agreements: major votes [2018 to present]
Result #13: Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the role of Congress in trade policy [2018 to present]
Result #14: Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and U.S. trade agreements timeline [2018 to present]
Result #15: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement [2018 to present]
Result #16: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): key provisions and issues for Congress [2018 to present]
Result #17: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) negotiations [2018 to present]
Result #18: U.S. international investment agreements: issues for Congress [2018 to present]
Result #19: U.S. trade in services: trends and policy issues [2018 to present]
Result #20: The Vietnam-U.S. bilateral trade agreement [2018 to present]
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Result #33: President Obama signs H.R. 2146 & H.R. 1295 [2015]
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Result #36: American trade politics and the triumph of globalism [2014]
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