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Result #2: Strategic implementation plan [2027]
Result #3: ASPR strategic plan [2026]
Result #4: USAGM strategic plan [2026]
Result #5: 10 actual, official LSAT PrepTests [2000 to present]
Result #6: 10 more actual, official LSAT preptests [2000s to present]
Result #7: 10 new actual, official LSAT preptests with comparative reading [2001 to present]
Result #8: 2 year colleges [2002 to present]
Result #9: 48 hours [1988 to present]
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Full text available from Newspaper Source Plus: 12/01/2000 to present
Result #10: AAA, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik [1976 to present]
Result #11: AACC membership directory [1993 to present]
Result #12: AAHE bulletin [1978 to present]
Result #13: AAMC curriculum directory [1973 to present]
Result #14: AAPL newsletter [1998 to present]
Result #15: AARP bulletin [1980s to present]
Result #16: ABA journal [1984 to present]
Result #17: Accounting standards > Statements of financial accounting concepts [20th century to present]
Result #18: ACLU magazine [2019 to present]
Result #19: Action transmittal [20th century to present]
Result #20: Actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities under the Railroad Retirement Acts as of December 31 [20th century to present]
Result #21: Administration and status of the regional conservation partnership program, fiscal year... [2021 to present]
Result #22: The administration, cost, and impact of the Quality Improvement Organization Program for Medicare beneficiaries [21st century to present]
Result #23: Administration of non-Department of Veterans Affairs health care [21st century to present]
Result #24: Admission requirements of U.S. and Canadian dental schools [1975 to present]
Result #25: Advancements [20th century to present]
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Withdrawn from the Federal Depository Library Program as of 11/2019: Connect to online resource
Result #26: Advisory Committee on Veterans Employment, Training, and Employer Outreach (ACVETEO)... final report [21st century to present]
Result #27: Advisory Council annual report [20th century to present]
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Withdrawn from the Federal Depository Library Program as of 11/2019: Connect to online resource
Result #28: [AEDPA report] [21st century to present]
Result #29: The AFCARS report [1990s to present]
Result #30: Africa: a publication of The Corporate Council on Africa and Business Books International [2002 to present]
Result #31: Agency financial report [2009 to present]
Result #32: Agency financial report [2009 to present]
Result #33: Agency financial report, fiscal year... [2014 to present]
Result #34: Aging [1980 to present]
Result #35: Agricultural outlook [1980 to present]
Result #36: AICPA professional standards [20th century to present]
Result #37: AIDS knowledge and attitudes for...: provisional data from the National Health Interview Survey [1987 to present]
Result #38: Air and Marine Operations vision [2025]
Result #39: The Air Force comptroller [1967 to present]
Result #40: The Air Force comptroller [1967 to present]
Result #41: Air Force handbook 1, airman [2019 to present]
Result #42: Airport/facility directory > Northeast U.S. [20th century to present]
Result #43: Airport/facility directory > Northwest U.S. [20th century to present]
Result #44: ALA-APA salary survey: a survey of library positions requiring an ALA-accredited Master's degree [2006 to present]
Result #45: Alaska, Oregon ZIP+4 state directory [1985 to present]
Result #46: Alaska Tribal Health System health facilities' needs assessment report to congress [2020 to present]
Result #47: Albany government law review [2008 to present]
Result #48: Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios [20th century to present]
Result #49: Ambulatory medical care utilization estimates for [2005 to present]
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