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Result #3: The self-help compulsion: searching for advice in modern literature [2019]
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Result #5: Pocket guide to APA style [2012]
Result #7: 50 Psychology Classics: Who We are, How We Think, What We Do [2010]
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Result #9: Mastering APA style: instructor's resource guide [2010]
Result #10: Mastering APA style: student's workbook and training guide [2010]
Result #11: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association [2010]
Result #12: Handbook of self-help therapies [2008]
Result #13: Pocket guide to APA style [2007]
Result #14: Reviewing scientific works in psychology [2006]
Result #15: Fool's paradise: the unreal world of pop psychology [2005]
Result #16: Self-help books: why Americans keep reading them [2005]
Result #17: Self-Help, Inc.: makeover culture in American life [2005]
Result #18: Cabell's directories of publishing opportunities [2004 to present]
Result #19: Jews and the American soul: human nature in the twentieth century [2004]
Result #22: Library use: handbook for psychology [2003]
Result #24: How to prepare a research article in APA style [2002]
Result #25: Indexing specialties: psychology [2002]
Result #26: Mastering APA style: instructor's resource guide [2002]
Result #27: Mastering APA style: student's workbook and training guide [2002]
Result #28: The psychology student writer's manual [2002]
Result #29: APA-style helper: software for new writers in the behavioral sciences [2001]
Result #30: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association [2001]
Result #31: The process of ritual: a twenty-year survey of literature [1998]
Result #32: Psychological reports: a guide to report writing in professional psychology [1997]
Result #33: The world's easiest guide to using the APA [1995]
Result #34: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association [1994]
Result #37: The Freudian reading: analytical and fictional constructions [1991]
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