65 Matching Results
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Result #5: The Gulf in world history: Arabia at the global crossroads [2018]
Result #6: The Arab lobby and the US: factors for success and failure [2016]
Result #7: Koreans in the Persian Gulf: policies and international relations [2015]
Result #8: Imperial crossroads: the great powers and the Persian Gulf [2012]
Result #9: The gulf states and Syria [2011]
Result #10: The international relations of the Persian Gulf [2010]
Result #11: The Persian Gulf and Pacific Asia: from indifference to interdependence [2010]
Result #12: Palestine and the Gulf States: the presence at the table [2009]
Result #13: American ascendance and British retreat in the Persian Gulf Region [2008]
Result #14: Challenges to Persian Gulf security: how should the United States respond? [2008]
Result #15: Israel and the Persian Gulf: retrospect and prospect [2006]
Result #17: American oil diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea [2003]
Result #19: The Gulf: future security and British policy [2000]
Result #20: Managing new developments in the Gulf [2000]
Result #21: The Gulf Cooperation Council, 1981-1994 [1997]
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