56 Matching Results
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Result #2: Operetta [2016]
Result #3: The student prince [2016]
Result #4: Occident meets orient [2015]
Result #5: You mean the world to me: documentary [2014]
Result #6: You mean the world to me: documentary [2014]
Result #7: Sigmund Romberg [2007]
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Result #8: Im wei⁷en Rössl: zwischen Kunst und Kommerz [2006]
Result #9: H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor [2002]
Result #10: Iolanthe [2002]
Result #11: Johann Strauss and Vienna: operetta and the politics of popular culture [2000]
Result #13: The complete dictionary of opera & operetta [1993]
Result #14: Glorious melodies from operetta [1993]
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Result #16: Ich sing' mein schönstes Lied [1989]
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Result #17: Operetta: a theatrical history [1989]
Result #18: Encore! Great stars, great performances [1986]
Result #19: The merry widow [1986]
Result #20: The merry widow [1986]
Result #21: Operetta: a theatrical history [1983]
Result #22: American operetta: from H.M.S. Pinafore to Sweeney Todd [1981]
Result #23: American popular stage music, 1860-1880 [1981]
Result #24: The operetta world of Victor Herbert [1980]
Result #25: Folies de Paris: the rise and fall of French operetta [1979]
Result #26: Sullivan and his satellites: a survey of English operettas 1860-1914 [1978]
Result #27: Histoire de l'opérette en France, 1855-1965; de Maurice Lehmann [1974]
Result #28: Gilbert and Sullivan production [1972]
Result #29: Vienna, women and song [1971]
Result #30: Kulturgeschichte der Operette [1967]
Result #31: The Gypsy Baron [1958]
Result #32: Reclams Operettenführer [1956]
Result #34: Reclams Operettenführer; von Anton Würz [1951]
Result #35: The merry widow waltz (from the M-G-M film "The Merry Widow"): Vilia (from "The Merry Widow" [20th century]
Result #38: Favart's unpublished plays; the rise of the popular comic opera [1935]
Result #39: How to present the Gilbert and Sullivan operas [1934]
Result #40: Rose of the Danube: an operetta in two acts [1934]
Result #41: The European vogue of Favart; the diffusion of the opéra- comique [1932]
Result #42: Die Operette im Wandel des Zeitgeistes: von Offenbach bis zur Gegenwart [1931]
Result #44: Preparation and presentation of the operetta [1930]
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Result #45: School operettas and their production [1929]
Result #46: Light opera [1926]
Result #48: Philidor et l'évolution de la musique française au XVIIIe siècle [1921]
Result #50: Die komische Oper nach Lortzing; Mit einem porträt von Richard Wagner [1905]
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