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Result #2: Current industrial reports > MA-38Q, Selected atomic energyproducts [1965 to present]
Result #4: NRC news releases [1975 to present]
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Full text available from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Research Pubs: 2002 to present
Result #5: Annual report [1975 to present]
Result #6: Annual report [2003 to present]
Result #7: A compilation of reports of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards [1984 to present]
Result #8: NMSS news link [2014 to present]
Result #9: NRC news releases [1975 to present]
Result #11: Managing the nuclear fuel cycle: policy implications of expanding global access to nuclear power [2019 to present]
Result #12: Nuclear Energy Leadership Act: report (to accompany S. 903) [2019]
Result #13: Price-Anderson Act: nuclear power industry liability limits and compensation to the public after radioactive releases [2019 to present]
Result #14: U.S. nuclear cooperation with India: issues for Congress [2019 to present]
Result #15: U.S.-Vietnam nuclear cooperation agreement: issues for Congress [2019 to present]
Result #16: U.S.-Vietnam nuclear cooperation agreement: issues for Congress [2019 to present]
Result #17: New U.S. policy regarding nuclear exports to China [2018 to present]
Result #20: Whistleblower protection for nuclear industry workers [2018]
Result #22: Keeping the lights on at America's nuclear power plants [2017]
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Result #27: The price of nuclear power: uranium communities and environmental justice [2015]
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