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Result #2: Korean journal of defense analysis [1989 to present]
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Full text available from International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center: 03/01/2008 to present
Result #3: Asian security [2005 to present]
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Full text available from Taylor & Francis Online: 01/01/2005 to present
Result #4: NATO and the future of European and Asian security [2021]
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Result #6: China and regional and global security [2016 to present]
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Result #12: The architecture of security in the Asia-Pacific [2009]
Result #13: The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia [2008]
Result #14: Strategy and security in the Asia-Pacific [2006]
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Result #16: India and emerging Asia [2005]
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Table of contents
Result #17: UN peace operations and Asian security [2005]
Result #18: Strategic developments in Eurasia after 11 September [2004]
Result #19: Regional security structures in Asia [2003]
Result #23: Asia-Pacific strategic relations: seeking convergent security [2001]
Result #24: Japan and the security of Asia [2001]
Result #25: The many faces of Asian security [2001]
Result #27: Asian economic trends and their security implications [2000]
Result #29: Asian peace: security and governance in the Asia-Pacific region [1999]
Result #30: Asian security practice: material and ideational influences [1999]
Result #31: Russia and Asia: the emerging security agenda [1999]
Result #32: Strategic cultures in the Asia-Pacific region [1999]
Result #33: U.S.-Korea-Japan relations: building towards a "virtual alliance" [1999]
Result #34: Asia's security challenges [1998]
Result #35: Asian security practice: material and ideational influences [1998]
Result #37: Asia-Pacific security: less uncertainty, new opportunities? [1996]
Result #38: Asian security to the year 2000 [1996]
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