1 Result #1: While the city slept: a love lost to violence and a young man's descent into madness [2016] Creators & Contributors: Sanders, Eli E-Book New York : Viking, 2016 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: Death on the Fourth of July: the story of a killing, a trial, and hate crime in America [2004] Creators & Contributors: Neiwert, David, 1956- Book (Print/Paper) New York ; Houndmills, England : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
3 Result #3: Taking the fifth [1987] Creators & Contributors: Jance, Judith A. Book (Print/Paper) New York : Avon Books, [1987] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability