1 Result #1: Unwavering [2023] Creators & Contributors: Kiland, Taylor Baldwin, 1966-; Gray, Judy Silverstein E-Book New York : Permuted Press, [2023] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: The rise of the military welfare state [2015] Creators & Contributors: Mittelstadt, Jennifer, 1970- Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2015 Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
3 Result #3: Beyond the shadow of Camptown: Korean military brides in America [2002] Creators & Contributors: Yuh, Ji-Yeon Book (Print/Paper) New York : New York University Press, [2002] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability