131 Matching Results
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Result #2: Country report > South Korea [2002 to present]
Result #3: Country review > South Korea [1998 to present]
Result #4: Korea [2008 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible General Interest Journals: 2008 to present
Result #5: Korean social science journal [1983 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 06/05/2004 to present
Result #7: 100°C: South Korea's 1987 democracy movement [2023]
Result #8: South Korea country profile [21st century to present]
Result #9: South Korea country report [21st century to present]
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Full text available from Business Source Complete: 01/01/2009 to present
Result #12: Human rights and transnational democracy in South Korea [2022]
Result #13: Opposing power: building opposition alliances in electoral autocracies [2022]
Result #14: South Korean Popular Culture in the Global Context: Beyond the Fandom [2022]
Result #15: South Koreans elect a new president [2022 to present]
Result #16: Banned book club [2020]
Result #17: One country, one tribe, one nation [2019]
Result #18: South Korea: background and U.S. relations [2019 to present]
Result #19: Yellow ribbon [2019]
Result #20: In the absence [2018]
Result #21: Human acts: a novel [2017]
Result #22: To kill Alice [2017]
Result #23: Youth for nation: culture and protest in Cold War South Korea [2017]
Result #24: Park Chung Hee and modern Korea: the roots of militarism 1866-1945 [2016]
Added March 2025Result #25: Cruel state [2015]
Result #26: The failure of socialism in South Korea: 1945-2007 [2015]
Result #27: Contentious activism & inter-Korean relations [2014]
Result #29: The Korean government and public policies in a development nexus > Volume 1 [2014]
Result #30: Contemporary South Korean society: a critical perspective [2013]
Result #31: Background note, South Korea [20th century to 2012]
Result #32: Background note, South Korea [20th century to 2012]
Result #33: Media and democratic transition in South Korea [2012]
Result #34: South Korea: economic, political, and social issues [2012]
Result #36: The Park Chung Hee era: the transformation of South Korea [2011]
Checked Out - Willis 3rd
Due May 07, 2025