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Result #3: Jazz radio America [2024]
Result #4: Jazz research journal [2007 to present]
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Full text available from Equinox Journals: 01/03/2007 to present
Result #5: Jazziz [1984 to present]
Result #6: Journal of jazz studies [2011 to present]
Result #7: Big bands international [1977 to present]
Result #8: Crescendo & jazz music [1991 to present]
Result #9: Gene Lees ad libitum jazzletter [2001 to present]
Result #10: International jazz archives journal [1993 to present]
Result #11: Jazz journal [2009 to present]
Result #12: Jazz magazine [1954 to present]
Result #13: New Orleans jazz study newsletter [1991 to present]
Result #14: Improvising the score: rethinking modern film music through jazz [2022]
Result #16: Jazz places: how performance spaces shape jazz history [2021]
Result #17: Bach reworked [2020]
Result #18: Bach reworked [2020]
Result #19: Blue Note Records: beyond the notes [2019]
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Result #21: Jazz: essential listening [2019]
Result #23: Gettin' around: jazz, script, transnationalism [2018]
Result #24: Jazz and the philosophy of art [2018]
Result #25: Jazz as critique: Adorno and Black expression revisited [2018]
Result #26: Technology and the stylistic evolution of the jazz bass [2018]
Result #27: Duke Ellington studies [2017]
Result #28: Experiencing Chick Corea: a listener's companion [2017]
Result #29: The kind of man I am: jazzmasculinity and the world of Charles Mingus Jr. [2017]
Result #30: Translating jazz into poetry: from mimesis to metaphor [2017]
Result #32: Billie Holiday [2016 to present]
Result #33: Bop apocalypse: jazz, race, the beats, and drugs [2016]
Result #34: Gender and identity in jazz [2016]
Result #35: Jazz and totalitarianism [2016]
Result #37: Jazz worlds, world jazz [2016]
Result #38: Murray talks music: Albert Murray on jazz and blues [2016]
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Result #40: Ethnomusicologizing: essays on music in the new paradigms [2015]
Result #41: Tonality and the extended common practice in the music of Thad Jones [2015]
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