1 Result #1: Motivic Stratification in Fauré's Late Chamber Works: Perspectives on Voice Leading and Tonal Coherence [2022] Creators & Contributors: Bilik, Matthew; Cubero, Diego Thesis/Dissertation (Online) [Denton, Texas] : University of North Texas, 2022 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
2 Result #2: Fauré studies [2021] Creators & Contributors: Caballero, Carlo; Rumph, Stephen C. Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2021 Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: Gabriel Fauré: catalogue des œuvres [translated: Gabriel Fauré: catalogue of works; Gabriel Fauré: Werkverzeichnis] [2018] Creators & Contributors: Nectoux, Jean-Michel, 1946-; Fauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924 Book (Print/Paper) Kassel ; Basel ; London ; New York ; Praha : Bärenreiter, 2018 Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: Encyclopedia of French art song: Faure, Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc [2013] Creators & Contributors: Daykin, Frank, 1958-; Wilson, Kathleen L. Book (Print/Paper) Hillsdale, NY : Pendragon Press, [2013] Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: Gabriel Fauré [2013 to present] Creators & Contributors: Arenas, Erick E-Book [New York] : Oxford University Press, [2013-] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
6 Result #6: Balanchine Foundation video archives > Mimi Paul coaching the Sicilienne variation and the Nocturne ("walking") Pas de deux from 'Emeralds' from Jewels [2011] Creators & Contributors: Balanchine, George; Brooks, Virginia +7 more Streaming Video New York, NY : George Balanchine Foundation, 2011 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online video See full record for additional info. Check availability
7 Result #7: Balanchine Foundation video archives > Mimi Paul coaching the Sicilienne variation and the Nocturne ("walking") Pas de deux from 'Emeralds' from Jewels [2011] Creators & Contributors: Balanchine, George; Brooks, Virginia +7 more Streaming Video New York, NY : George Balanchine Foundation, 2011 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online video See full record for additional info. Check availability
8 Result #8: Gabriel Fauré: the songs and their poets [2009] Creators & Contributors: Johnson, Graham, 1950-; Stokes, Richard, 1945- +1 more Book (Print/Paper) Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate ; London : Guildhall School of Music & Drama, 2009 Loading... FIND IT Online Table of contents Check availability
9 Result #9: The correspondence of Camille Saint-Saëns and Gabriel Fauré: sixty years of friendship [2004] Creators & Contributors: Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921; Fauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924 +2 more Book (Print/Paper) Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2004] Loading... Check availability
10 Result #10: Fauré [2004] Creators & Contributors: Valjarević, Vladimir, 1973-; Kaltcheva, Svetla, 1978- +9 more Streaming Music New York, NY : Labor Records, [2004] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
11 Result #11: Gabriel Fauré: a musical life [2004] Creators & Contributors: Nectoux, Jean-Michel, 1946- Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004 Loading... Check availability
12 Result #12: Fauré and French musical aesthetics [2001] Creators & Contributors: Caballero, Carlo Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001 Loading... Check availability
13 Result #13: Gabriel Fauré [2000] Creators & Contributors: Duchen, Jessica Book (Print/Paper) London : Phaidon, 2000 Loading... Check availability
14 Result #14: Gabriel Fauré: a guide to research [2000] Creators & Contributors: Phillips, Edward R. Book (Print/Paper) New York : Garland Pub., 2000 Loading... Check availability
15 Result #15: Ravel, Debussy, Saint-Saëns [2000] Creators & Contributors: Ehnes, James, 1976-; Chen, Wendy +3 more Streaming Music Toronto, Ont. : CBC Records, 2000 Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
16 Result #16: Regarding Fauré [1999] Creators & Contributors: Gordon, Tom, 1946- Book (Print/Paper) Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, [1999] Loading... Check availability
17 Result #17: Berceuse sur le nom de Fauré: for violin and piano [1998] Creators & Contributors: Ravel, Maurice, 1875-1937 Music Score (Print/Paper) Boca Raton, Fla. : Masters Music Publications, [1998?] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
18 Result #18: Gabriel Fauré, Werk und Rezeption: mit Werkverzeichnis und Bibliographie [1996] Creators & Contributors: Jost, Peter, 1960- Book (Print/Paper) Kassel ; New York : Bärenreiter, [1996] Loading... Check availability
19 Result #19: Interpreting the songs of Gabriel Fauré [1996] Creators & Contributors: Gartside, Robert Book (Print/Paper) Geneseo, N.Y. : Leyerle Publicatons, [1996] Loading... Check availability
20 Result #20: Gabriel Fauré and the art of ambiguity: an examination of his late style through selected piano works ... [1995] Creators & Contributors: Johansen, Ken (Ken Lund) Thesis/Dissertation (Microfiche) 1995 Loading... Check availability
21 Result #21: Correspondance, 1862-1920 [1994] Creators & Contributors: Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921; Fauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924 +1 more Book (Print/Paper) Paris : Société française de musicologie : Editions Klincksieck, 1994 Loading... Check availability
22 Result #22: Gabriel Fauré: a musical life [1991] Creators & Contributors: Nectoux, Jean-Michel, 1946- Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991 Loading... Check availability
23 Result #23: His life through letters [1984] Creators & Contributors: Fauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924; Nectoux, Jean-Michel, 1946- Book (Print/Paper) London ; New York : M. Boyars, 1984 Loading... Check availability
24 Result #24: Gabriel Fauré [1983] Creators & Contributors: Vuillermoz, Émile, 1878-1960 Book (Print/Paper) New York : Da Capo Press, 1983 Loading... Check availability
25 Result #25: At the piano with Fauré [1981] Creators & Contributors: Long, Marguerite Book (Print/Paper) New York : Taplinger, 1981 Loading... Check availability
26 Result #26: Nineteenth-century French song: Fauré, Chausson, Duparc, and Debussy [1980] Creators & Contributors: Meister, Barbara, 1932- Book (Print/Paper) Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1980] Loading... Check availability
27 Result #27: The nocturnes of Frédéric Chopin and Gabriel Fauré, a lecture recital, together with three recitals of selected works by other composers for piano [1980] Creators & Contributors: Roberson, Richard E.; Walz, Larry G. Thesis/Dissertation (Microfilm) Reproduced or reissued in 1980 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
28 Result #28: Gabriel Fauré [1979] Creators & Contributors: Orledge, Robert Book (Print/Paper) London : Eulenberg Books, 1979 Loading... Check availability
29 Result #29: The nocturnes of Frédéric Chopin and Gabriel Fauré, a lecture recital, together with three recitals of selected works by other composers for piano [1979] Creators & Contributors: Roberson, Richard E. Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1979 Loading... Check availability
30 Result #30: Problems of tonal structure in songs of Gabriel Fauré [1979] Creators & Contributors: Kurtz, James, 1936- Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) Reproduced or reissued in 1979 Loading... Check availability
31 Result #31: Chromaticism in the solo keyboard works of Franck and Fauré [1976] Creators & Contributors: Sanger, George Norman, 1926- Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1976 Loading... Check availability
32 Result #32: Form in the songs of Gabriel Fauré [1976] Creators & Contributors: Bland, Stephen F., 1942- Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1976 Loading... Check availability
33 Result #33: Fauré et l'inexprimable [1974] Creators & Contributors: Jankélévitch, Vladimir Book (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Plon, [1974] Loading... Check availability
34 Result #34: Gabriel Fauré [1973] Creators & Contributors: Vuaillat, Jean Book (Print/Paper) [Lyon] : E. Vitte, [1973] Loading... Check availability
35 Result #35: The settings of six Verlaine poems by Fauré and Debussy [1973] Creators & Contributors: Evans, Homer J. Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1973 Loading... Check availability
36 Result #36: Fauré [1972] Creators & Contributors: Nectoux, Jean-Michel, 1946- Book (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Éditions du Seuil, [1972] Loading... Check availability
37 Result #37: An analysis for performance of the songs of Gabriel Fauré, op. 85 [1971] Creators & Contributors: Thompson, Cheryl C. Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1971 Loading... Check availability
38 Result #38: Étude comparée des languages harmoniques de Fauré et de Debussy [1971] Creators & Contributors: Gervais, Françoise Book (Print/Paper) Paris : "La Revue musicale", [1971] Loading... Check availability
39 Result #39: Fauré and his songs: the relationship of text, melody and accompaniment [1969] Creators & Contributors: Sommers, Paul Bartholin, 1923- Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1969 Loading... Check availability
40 Result #40: Gabriel Fauré [1969] Creators & Contributors: Vuillermoz, Émile, 1878-1960; Smolian, Steven +1 more Book (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : Chilton Book Company, [©1969] Loading... Check availability
41 Result #41: Au piano avec Gabriel Fauré [1963] Creators & Contributors: Long, Marguerite Book (Print/Paper) Paris : René Julliard, [1963] Loading... Check availability
42 Result #42: A historical and stylistic study of the mélodies of Gabriel Fauré [1961] Creators & Contributors: Pennington, Kenneth D., 1926- Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1961 Loading... Check availability
43 Result #43: Gabriel Fauré [1960] Creators & Contributors: Vuillermoz, Émile, 1878-1960 Book (Print/Paper) Paris : Flammarion, [1960] Loading... Check availability
44 Result #44: Gabriel Fauré [1957] Creators & Contributors: Fauré-Fremiet, Philippe Book (Print/Paper) Paris : A. Michel, [1957] Loading... Check availability
45 Result #45: Gabriel Faure: ses mélodies, son esthétique [1951] Creators & Contributors: Jankélévitch, Vladimir Book (Print/Paper) Paris : Plon, [1951] Loading... Check availability
46 Result #46: Siete músicos europeos [1949] Creators & Contributors: García Morillo, Roberto Book (Print/Paper) Buenos Aires : Ollantay, 1949 Loading... Check availability
47 Result #47: Fauré [1946] Creators & Contributors: Suckling, Norman Book (Print/Paper) London : J.M. Dent ; New York : E.P. Dutton, 1946 Loading... Check availability
48 Result #48: Frédéric Chopin et Gabriel Fauré [1946] Creators & Contributors: Landowski, W. L. (Wanda L.), 1899-1959 Book (Print/Paper) Paris : Richard-Masse, 1946 Loading... Check availability
49 Result #49: Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) [1946] Creators & Contributors: Kœchlin, Charles, 1867-1950 Book (Print/Paper) London : D. Dobson, 1946 Loading... Check availability
50 Result #50: L'œuvre de Gabriel Fauré [1945] Creators & Contributors: Rostand, Claude Book (Print/Paper) Paris : J.B. Janin, [1945] Loading... Check availability