30 Matching Results
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Search Results
Result #2: Crime, violence and the state in Latin America [2021]
Result #5: Weak and failing states: evolving security threats and U.S. policy [2018 to present]
Result #7: North Korea and the need for a US-ROK-PRC dialogue [2017]
Result #8: State failure in sub-Saharan Africa: the crisis of post-colonial order [2017]
Result #10: Political discourse in emergent, fragile, and failed democracies [2016]
Result #11: State failure in the modern world [2016]
Result #12: Development in difficult sociopolitical contexts: fragile, failed, pariah [2014]
Result #13: Human rights and the hollow state [2014]
Result #14: Tackling Africa's first narco-state: Guinea-Bissau in West Africa [2014]
Result #17: Preparing for the possibility of a North Korean collapse [2013]
Result #18: Security force assistance and security sector reform [2013]
Result #19: State collapse, insurgency, and counterinsurgency: lessons from Somalia [2013]
Result #20: Fragile states: violence and the failure of intervention [2012]
Result #21: State failure, underdevelopment, and foreign intervention in Haiti [2012]
Result #22: Failed state 2030: Nigeria: a case study [2011]
Result #24: Somalia, the new Barbary?: piracy and Islam in the Horn of Africa [2011]
Result #25: Confronting poverty: weak states and U.S. national security [2010]
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Due May 07, 2025