397 Matching Results
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Result #2: Revue d'histoire diplomatique [1887 to present]
Result #3: Diplomacy and statecraft [1990 to present]
Result #4: Le monde diplomatique [1997 to present]
Result #5: Le Monde diplomatique [1954 to present]
Result #6: Outposts of diplomacy: a history of the embassy [2024]
Result #10: Brazil-Japan Cooperation: From Complementarity to Shared Value [2023]
Result #11: Foreign Service Institute course schedule and tuitions [2014 to present]
Result #12: Gender and diplomacy [2023 to present]
Result #13: The Hague journal of diplomacy: HJD [2006 to present]
Result #14: Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs [2023]
Result #15: The ideal diplomat [2023 to present]
Result #16: Public diplomacy magazine [2009 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 2010 to present