22 Matching Results
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Result #2: Dance production: design and technology [2016]
Result #3: Dance dramaturgy: modes of agency, awareness and engagement [2015]
Result #4: Dramaturgy in motion: at work on dance and movement performance [2015]
Result #5: 15 days of dance: the making of 'Ghost light' [2010]
Result #6: 15 days of dance: the making of 'Ghost light' [2010]
Result #7: 15 days of dance: the making of "Ghost light" [2010]
Result #8: Michael Jackson's This is it [2010]
Result #9: Where the dance is [2010]
Result #10: Dance composition: an interrelated arts approach [2009]
Result #11: Dance online > Dance in video [2008]
Result #12: Last dance [2002]
Result #13: Last dance [2002]
Result #14: Dance composition & production [1993]
Result #15: The Parsons Dance Company [1992]
Result #16: The Parsons Dance Company [1992]
Result #17: The Parsons Dance Company [1992]
Result #18: Points in space [1990]
Result #19: A Guide to dance production: "on with the show" [1981]
Result #20: Richard Strauss, the staging of his operas and ballets [1981]
Result #21: Dance: the art of production [1977]
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