27 Matching Results
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Result #2: Marketplace Africa > Elevating Ivory Coast's chocolate game; Zak Calisto [2023]
Result #3: Child labor in West Africa cocoa production: issues and U.S. policy [2019 to present]
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Result #4: El cacao [2016]
Result #5: El cacao: the challenge of fair trade [2016]
Result #6: Chocolate of peace: cacao defying violence [2016]
Result #7: Marketplace Africa > [302], November 4, 2016 [2016]
Result #8: Cocoa's gatekeeper [2015]
Result #9: Freedom project > Cocoa-nomics [2014]
Result #10: Sunday morning > Raising the bar [2012]
Result #11: Sunday morning > Raising the bar [2012]
Result #12: The dark side of chocolate [2010]
Result #13: The dark side of chocolate [2010]
Result #14: Fair trade chocolate: the Divine story [2010]
Result #15: Tropical products, world markets and trade [20th century to 2008]
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Result #16: Chocolate: a bittersweet saga of dark and light [2005]
Result #17: Cocoa and chocolate, 1765-1914 [2000]
Result #19: Cocoa and chaos in Ghana [1989]
Result #20: The state and rural class formation in Ghana: a comparative analysis [1986]
Result #22: Coffee, tea, and cocoa: market prospects and development lending [1977]
Result #23: Organising the farmers: cocoa politics and national development in Ghana [1976]
Result #24: Cocoa, custom, and socio-economic change in rural western Nigeria [1975]
Result #25: Coffee, tea, cocoa, and spices [1948 to 1950]
Result #26: World trade in cocoa [1947]
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