1 Result #1: From East to West: & other choral works [2024] Creators & Contributors: Locklair, Dan; Gough, Rupert +4 more Streaming Music [London] : Convivium Records, [2024] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
2 Result #2: Requiems by Giovanni Agostino Perotti and Nicolò Coccon: the Requiem Mass at St. Mark's, Venice, in the nineteenth century [2024] Creators & Contributors: Drennan, Jonathan R. J.; Perotti, Giovanni Agostino, 1769-1855 +1 more Music Score (Online) Middleton, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, Inc., 2024 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
3 Result #3: Before the ending of the day: for SATB choir with organ (2023) [2023] Creators & Contributors: Johnson, Liz, 1964- Music Score (Print/Paper) [Oxfordshire] : Composers Edition, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
4 Result #4: Coronation Agnus Dei: for SATB choir and organ [2023] Creators & Contributors: O'Regan, Tarik Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Novello, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
5 Result #5: Coronation Kyrie: for solo bass baritone, SATB choir and organ [2023] Creators & Contributors: Mealor, Paul, 1975-; Charles III, King of Great Britain, 1948- +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Novello, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
6 Result #6: Für Jan van Eyck: für gemischten Chor und Orgel (2019) [2023] Creators & Contributors: Pärt, Arvo; Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440 Music Score (Print/Paper) Wien ; London ; New York : Universal Edition, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
7 Result #7: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis: SATB and organ [2023] Creators & Contributors: Robles, Zanaida Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
8 Result #8: Miserere: für Soli (S, A, T ad lib),. Chor und Organo [translated: for soli (S, A, T ad lib),. choir and organ] [2023] Creators & Contributors: Martinez, Marianne, 1744-1812; Goldbach, Michael, 1949- Music Score (Print/Paper) Kassel : Furore Verlag, [2023] Loading... Pam Binding - Willis 4th See full record for additional info. Check availability
9 Result #9: The nativity [2023] Creators & Contributors: Hawes, Patrick; Singleton, Mark +2 more Streaming Music London : Signum Classics, [2023] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
10 Result #10: Sehr leichte Messe: für SA oder SATB und Orgel [2023] Creators & Contributors: Schuh, Johannes; Hägele, Friedrich Music Score (Print/Paper) Bonn : Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
11 Result #11: A Swiss romantic [2023] Creators & Contributors: Stüssi, Fritz, 1874-1923; Morrison, Hannah +8 more Music CD Pully : Claves, 2023 Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
12 Result #12: Veni Domine: für gemischten Chor (SATB) und Orgel: nach Texten aus der Bibel [translated: for mixed choir (SATB) and organ: based on texts from the Bible: (2018)] [2023] Creators & Contributors: Vasks, Pēteris, 1946-; Elbphilharmonie Hamburg +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
13 Result #13: Westminster service: for SATB choir and organ [2023] Creators & Contributors: Muhly, Nico; O'Donnell, James +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) [New York, New York] : St Rose Music Publishing ; London : Chester Music Limited, [2023] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
14 Result #14: Al naharot Bawel: Psalm 137 für Soli, Chor und Orgel: aus "Schirath Jacob" (Moskau, 1884) [2022] Creators & Contributors: Bachmann, Jacob, 1846-1905; Hader, Wolfram Music Score (Print/Paper) Frankfurt : Laurentius-Musikverlag, [2022] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
15 Result #15: Awake, my soul: for TrATB choir and organ [2022] Creators & Contributors: Frances-Hoad, Cheryl, 1980-; Ionascu, Howard +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Chester Music, [2022] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
16 Result #16: Berliner Messe; Stabat Mater; Psalmensymphonie [2022] Creators & Contributors: Kühmeier, Genia; Jansons, Mariss, 1943-2019 +5 more Streaming Music [Place of publication not identified] : BR-Klassik, [2022] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
17 Result #17: Missa brevis: for SATB choir and organ [2022] Creators & Contributors: Rutter, John, 1945-; Shephard, Richard, 1949- Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2022 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
18 Result #18: The Sleeping soul: for SATB and organ [2022] Creators & Contributors: Bingham, Judith; Mechthild, of Magdeburg, approximately 1212-approximately 1282 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Edition Peters, [2022] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
19 Result #19: Laudate [2021] Creators & Contributors: Dupré, Marcel, 1886-1971 Music Score (Print/Paper) Paris : A. Leduc, [2021?] Loading... Available - Willis 4th See full record for additional info. Check availability
20 Result #20: Magnficat à 8 für 2 vierstimmige Chöre (SATB) und 2 Orgeln [translated: for 2 four-part choirs (SATB) and 2 organs] [2021] Creators & Contributors: Sabbatini, Pietro Paolo, 1598 or 1599-1660; Bassani, Florian, 1972- Music Score (Print/Paper) Kassel : Edition Merseburger, [2021] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
21 Result #21: The song of harvest: for SATB and organ [2021] Creators & Contributors: Chilcott, Bob; Alford, Henry, 1810-1871 +9 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2021] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
22 Result #22: Thy goodness, Lord, a joyful theme: anthem for SATB chorus & organ [2021] Creators & Contributors: Locklair, Dan; Willard, Samuel, 1640-1707 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) [Verona, New Jersey] : Subito Music, [2021] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
23 Result #23: XIX. Omnes jubilent; XX. In voluntate tua: aus: Sacrarum cantionum, opus tertium (1656): cantus, altus, tenor, bassus (organum) [2021] Creators & Contributors: Buchner, Philipp Friedrich, 1614-1669; Jira, Martin Music Score (Print/Paper) Stuttgart : Cornetto, [2021] Loading... Available - Willis 4th See full record for additional info. Check availability
24 Result #24: XVII. Surgamus cantemus; XVIII. Non omnis: aus: Sacrarum cantionum, opus tertium (1656): cantus, altus, tenor, bassus (organum) [2021] Creators & Contributors: Buchner, Philipp Friedrich, 1614-1669; Jira, Martin Music Score (Print/Paper) Stuttgart : Cornetto-Verlag, [2021] Loading... Pam Binding - Willis 4th See full record for additional info. Check availability
25 Result #25: Drei Vertonungen des "Kol Nidre": für Vorbeter, gemischten Chor und Orgel: aus "Toda W'simrah" (Berlin, 1882) [2020] Creators & Contributors: Lewandowski, Louis, 1821-1894; Hader, Wolfram Music Score (Print/Paper) Frankfurt : Laurentius-Musikverlag, [2020] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
26 Result #26: The fruit of silence: for mixed choir and organ [translated: für gemischten Chor und Orgel (2013/2018)] [2020] Creators & Contributors: Vasks, Pēteris, 1946-; Teresa, Mother, Saint, 1910-1997 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2020] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
27 Result #27: Missa Laetare: für SATB und Orgel (Violone ad lib). [2020] Creators & Contributors: Richter, Franz Xaver, 1709-1789; Schwemmer, Marius, 1977- Music Score (Print/Paper) Bonn : Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag, [2020] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
28 Result #28: Motets & pièces posthumes; Meditaciones religiosas [2020] Creators & Contributors: Franck, César, 1822-1890; Verdin, Joris +4 more Streaming Music [Place of publication not identified] : Etcetera, [2020] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
29 Result #29: Angels: for SATB choir and organ [2019] Creators & Contributors: McDowall, Cecilia; Drummond, William, 1585-1649 Music Score (Print/Paper) [United Kingdom] : Cadenza, [2019] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
30 Result #30: Complete choral works [2019] Creators & Contributors: Duruflé, Maurice, 1902-1986; Cowan, Ken +2 more Music CD London : Signum Classics, [2019] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
31 Result #31: Complete choral works [2019] Creators & Contributors: Duruflé, Maurice, 1902-1986; Simpson, Robert, 1948- +2 more Streaming Music London : Signum Classics, [2019] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
32 Result #32: Laudibus in sanctis: for SATB choir and organ [2019] Creators & Contributors: Burton, James, 1974- Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Edition Peters, [2019] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
33 Result #33: Requiem: for SATB choir and organ, op. 48 [2019] Creators & Contributors: Venables, Ian, 1955- Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Novello, [2019] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
34 Result #34: 99 words [2018] Creators & Contributors: Barley, Matthew; Sherlock, James +5 more Streaming Music Perivale, Middx, United Kingdom : Signum Classics, [2018] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
35 Result #35: Anthem - to St Cecilia: for SATB choir and organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: Musgrave, Thea Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Novello, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
36 Result #36: Ash Wednesday: SATB and organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: McDowall, Cecilia; Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894 Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2018] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
37 Result #37: Ave Maria: version for mixed choir and organ (2004/2008) [2018] Creators & Contributors: Panufnik, Roxanna, 1968- Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Edition Peters, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
38 Result #38: Ave Maria: version for mixed choir and organ (2004/2008) [2018] Creators & Contributors: Panufnik, Roxanna, 1968- Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Edition Peters, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
39 Result #39: Edmund Rubbra: the sacred muse [2018] Creators & Contributors: Rubbra, Edmund, 1901-1986; Patterson, Elizabeth C. (Conductor) +2 more Streaming Music [Place of publication not identified] : Paraclete Recordings, 2018 Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
40 Result #40: The Endicott service > Preces and responses: mixed choir and organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: Olofsson, Pär, 1973- Music Score (Print/Paper) [Stockholm] : Gehrmans Musikförlag, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
41 Result #41: Hodie christus natus est: for SATB chorus & organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: Moravec, Paul, 1957- Music Score (Print/Paper) [Verona, New Jersey] : Subito Music Publishing, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
42 Result #42: Missa in Festo Sanctissimae Trinitatis [2018] Creators & Contributors: Praetorius, Hieronymus, 1560-1629; Jänig, Volker +4 more Music CD Georgsmarienhütte : CPO, [2018] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
43 Result #43: O sing unto the Lord a new song: psalm 96: for SATB div choir and organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: Petersson, Per Gunnar, 1954- Music Score (Print/Paper) [Stockholm] : Gehrmans Musikförlag, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
44 Result #44: Refugium [2018] Creators & Contributors: Brito-Babapulle, Lewis; Prager, Michael (Organist) +11 more Streaming Music [Haywards Heath] : Stone Records, [2018] Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
45 Result #45: St Aidan's prayer: for soprano solo, SATB and organ [2018] Creators & Contributors: Panufnik, Roxanna, 1968-; Aidan, Saint, -651 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Leipzig ; London ; New York : Peters Edition Ltd, a member of the Edition Peters Group, [2018] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
46 Result #46: Alleluia: for SATB voices and organ [2017] Creators & Contributors: Elder, Daniel, 1986- Music Score (Print/Paper) [New York] : Henmar Press Inc., a member of the Edition Peters Group, [2017] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
47 Result #47: As the bridegroom to his chosen: SATB and piano or organ [2017] Creators & Contributors: Bullard, Alan, 1947-; Tauler, Johannes, approximately 1300-1361 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford : Oxford University Press, Music Department, [2017] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
48 Result #48: The children of David op. 37: (Five modern psalms): for mezzo-soprano solo, SATB chorus, and organ [2017] Creators & Contributors: Mechem, Kirke Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Boosey & Hawkes, [2017] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
49 Result #49: Four passion meditations [2017] Creators & Contributors: Chilcott, Bob; Montgomerie, Alexander, 1545?-1598 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Oxford : Oxford University Press, Music Department, [2017] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
50 Result #50: How lovely is your dwelling place: for SATB choir and organ [2017] Creators & Contributors: Mealor, Paul, 1975- Music Score (Print/Paper) London : Novello, [2017] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability