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Result #2: Crucibles of Power: Smolensk under Stalinist and Nazi Rule [2025]
Added January 2025Result #3: Demokratizatsiya: the journal of post-soviet democratization [1992 to present]
Result #4: Dnevnik Altaĭskoĭ shkoly politicheskikh issledovaniĭ [1996 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 1996 to present
Result #5: Europe-Asia studies [1993 to present]
Result #6: Izvestii͡a Sovetov narodnykh deputatov SSSR [1977 to present]
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Full text available from Access World News: 12/30/1996 to 03/29/2016
Result #7: Literaturnai͡a gazeta: organ Pravlenii͡a Soi͡uza sovetskikh pisateleĭ SSSR [1944 to present]
Result #8: Moscow University geology bulletin [1974 to present]
Result #9: Okti͡abrʹ [1924 to present]
Result #10: Paleontological journal [1967 to present]
Result #11: Rossiĭskai͡a istorii͡a [2009 to present]
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Full text available from Russian Social Sciences and Humanities Journals: 2000 to present
Result #12: Russian mathematical surveys [translated: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk.] [1960 to present]
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Full text available from IOPscience platform: 01/01/1960 to present
Result #13: The Russian review [1941 to present]
Result #14: Statutes & decisions: the laws of the USSR and its successor states [1992 to present]
Result #15: Unyielding resolve: captive nations and the path to freedom [2025]
Added March 2025Result #16: Voprosy istorii [1945 to present]
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Full text available from Russian Social Sciences and Humanities Journals: 1945 to present
Result #17: Afghanistan today [20th century to present]
Result #19: Annual report of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe for the period covering...: a report to Congress [20th century to present]
Result #20: Bibliotekaŕ [1923 to present]
Result #21: Biochemistry [1956 to present]
Result #22: Bulletin on current research in Soviet and East European law [1970 to present]
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Full text available from HeinOnline Law Journal Library: 1970 to 2012
Result #23: Canadian-American Slavic studies.: Revue canadienne-américaine d'études slaves [1972 to present]
Result #24: Cantata for the 20th anniversary of the October Revolution: op. 74; Excerpts from the tale of the stone flower: op. 118 [2024]
Added January 2025Result #26: The cinema of Yakov Protazanov [2024]
Result #27: Current Soviet policies [1953 to present]
Result #28: Daily report > Central Eurasia > Index [1992 to present]
Result #29: The dilemma of compliance: political parties and post-election disputes [2024]
Result #30: Directory of Soviet officials > National organizations [1981 to present]
Result #31: Directory of Soviet officials > Republic organizations [1981 to present]
Result #32: Directory of Soviet officials > Science and education [1982 to present]
Result #33: A disaster of our own making: how the Westl lost Ukraine [2024]
Result #34: DK - 100 people who made history > Episode 16, Mikhail Gorbachev [2024]
Added February 2025Result #35: East European Jewish affairs [1992 to present]
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Full text available from International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center: 06/01/2004 to 1 year ago
Result #36: Flora of the U.S.S.R. [1968 to present]
Result #39: The Gulag: a very short introduction [2024]
Result #40: The Gulag doctors: life, death, and medicine in Stalin's labour camps [2024]
Result #41: A history of Kepstowe Freight Services Ltd.: trucking through the Iron Curtain [2024]
Added January 2025Result #42: Hungry and starving: voices of the great Soviet famine, 1928-1934 [2024]
Result #43: Istoricheskie zapiski [1937 to present]
Result #44: Kritika [1964 to present]
Result #45: L. S. Vygotsky and English in education and the language arts [2024]
Result #46: The last tsar: the abdication of Nicholas II and the fall of the Romanovs [2024]
Added January 2025Result #47: Modernités russes [1999 to present]
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Full text available from PERSEE - Portail de revues scientifiques en sciences: 1999 to 2018
Result #48: Nations in transit: civil society, democracy, and markets in East Central Europe and the newly independent states [1995 to present]
Result #49: Newsletter [1985 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 1985 to present
Result #50: Nordisk østforum [1987 to present]
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Full text available from Directory of Open Access Journals: 2016 to present