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Result #2: Analysis of U.S. trade with Israel [2022 to present]
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Result #3: Anatoli [2010 to present]
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Full text available from OpenEdition Journals: 2010 to 2018
Result #4: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula [1972 to present]
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Full text available from Gale Academic OneFile: 01/01/2000 to 06/30/2018
Result #5: APS diplomat news service [1972 to present]
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Full text available from Gale Academic OneFile: 01/03/2000 to 10/22/2018
Result #6: British journal of Middle Eastern studies [1991 to present]
Result #7: Bulletin d'études orientales [1931 to present]
Result #8: Canvas [2005 to present]
Result #9: Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East [1995 to present]
Result #10: Current contents of periodicals on the Middle East [1980 to present]
Result #11: Decentralization, local governance, and inequality in the Middle East and North Africa [2025]
Added January 2025Result #12: Domes: digest of Middle East studies [1992 to present]
Result #14: The fall of Israel: the degradation of Israel's politics, economy & military [2025]
Added March 2025Result #15: Global studies > The Middle East [1986 to present]
Result #16: Hagar: international social science review [translated: Hājir] [2000 to present]
Result #17: Hawwa: journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world [2003 to present]
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Full text available from ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials: 01/01/2003 to 5 years ago
Result #18: Hotelier Middle East [20th century to present]
Result #19: International journal of applied linguistics & English literature [2012 to present]
Result #20: International journal of Middle East studies [1970 to present]
Result #22: Der Islam [1910 to present]
Result #23: Israel exploration journal [1951 to present]
Result #24: Journal of ancient Near Eastern religions [2001 to present]
Result #25: Journal of Middle East women's studies [2005 to present]
Result #26: Journal of Near Eastern studies [1942 to present]
Result #27: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland [1834 to present]
Result #28: Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph [1922 to present]
Result #29: Middle East African journal of ophthalmology [1993 to present]
Result #30: Middle East journal of medical genetics [2012 to present]
Result #31: Middle East monitor > East Med [2000 to present]
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Full text available from Business Source Complete: 02/06/2021 to present
Result #32: Middle East quarterly [1994 to present]
Result #33: Middle East report [1988 to present]
Result #34: The Middle East reporter weekly: MER: a survey of Middle East political and economic developments [20th century to present]
Result #35: Middle Eastern studies [1964 to present]
Result #36: Near Eastern archaeology [1998 to present]
Result #37: Nihon Chūtō Gakkai nenpō [translated: Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies] [1986 to present]
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Full text available from J-STAGE (Japan Science & Tech Info) Free: 1986 to 2023
Result #38: ODTÜ gelişme dergisi [translated: METU studies in development] [1980 to present]
Result #39: Oriens [1948 to present]
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Full text available from JSTOR Arts & Sciences 3 Current Legacy: 06/01/1948 to 01/31/2021
Result #40: Outpost [1973 to present]
Added January 2025Result #41: Pakistan & Gulf economist [1982 to present]
Result #42: Reseller Middle East [21st century to present]
Result #43: Şarkiyat mecmuası [1956 to present]
Result #44: SME advisor Middle East [21st century to present]
Result #45: Syria [1920 to present]
Result #46: Topics in Middle Eastern and North African economies: proceedings of the Middle East Economic Association [1999 to present]
Result #47: Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi [2014 to present]
Result #48: UCLA journal of Islamic and Near Eastern law [2002 to present]
Result #49: The world after Gaza: a history [2025]
Added March 2025Result #50: Advances in ancient Biblical and Near Eastern research [translated: AABNER] [2021 to present]
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Full text available from ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources: 2021 to present