1 Result #1: Pakha sat'ang [translated: Peppermint candy] [2015] Creators & Contributors: Yi, Ch'ang-dong; Sŏl, Kyŏng-gu +4 more DVD Video [New York, N.Y.] : Asian Crush, [2015?] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: A Hard journey to justice: first term report by the Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths of the Republic of Korea (10.2000-10.2002) [2004] Creators & Contributors: Taetʻongnyŏng Sosok Ŭimunsa Chinsang Kyumyŏng Wiwŏnhoe (Korea) Book (Print/Paper) Seoul, Korea : Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths, 2004 Loading... Check availability