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Result #2: Passing the test: combat in Korea, April-June 1951 [2011]
Result #3: Triumph at Kapyong: Canada's pivotal battle in Korea [2011]
Result #5: Striking back: combat in Korea, March-April 1951 [2010]
Result #7: Over the beach: US Army amphibious operations in the Korean War [2008]
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Result #9: Oral history interview with Ealy Boyd, 2007 October 17 [2007]
Result #10: Oral history interview with Earl E. Ambrose, 2007 October 06 [2007]
Result #11: U.S. Marines in the Korean War [2007]
Result #12: Oral history interview with Ed Fendell, 2006 October 27 [2006]
Result #13: Silver wings, golden valor: the USAF remembers Korea [2006]
Result #14: Silver wings, golden valor: the USAF remembers Korea [2006]
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Result #15: Oral history interview with Alvin O. Berg, 2005 May 14 [2005]
Result #16: That others may live: USAF Air Rescue in Korea [2004]
Result #17: Marines in the Korean War commemorative series [2003]
Result #18: Train wreckers and ghost killers: Allied Marines in the Korean War [2003]
Result #19: Train wreckers and ghost killers: Allied Marines in the Korean War [2003]
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Result #20: Whirlybirds: U.S. Marine helicopters in Korea [2003]
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Result #21: Corsairs to panthers: U.S. marine aviation in Korea [2002]
Result #22: Down in the weeds: close air support in Korea [2002]
Result #23: Far Eastern tour: the Canadian infantry in Korea, 1950-1953 [2002]
Result #24: Frozen Chosin: U.S. Marines at the Changjin Reservoir [2002]
Result #27: Outpost war: U.S. Marines from the Nevada battles to the armistice [2002]
Result #28: Counteroffensive: U.S. marines from Pohang to No Name Line [2001]
Result #29: Drive north: U.S. Marines at the punchbowl [2001]
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Result #31: Stalemate: U.S. Marines from Bunker Hill to the hook [2001]
Result #32: Stalemate: U.S. Marines from Bunker Hill to the Hook [2001]
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Result #33: Under Army orders: the Army National Guard during the Korean War [2001]
Result #34: Under Army orders: the Army National Guard during the Korean War [2001]
Result #35: The USAF in Korea: campaigns, units, and stations, 1950-1953 [2001]
Result #36: The USAF in Korea: campaigns, units, and stations, 1950-1953 [2001]
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Result #37: Battle of the Barricades: U.S. Marines in the recapture of Seoul [2000]
Result #38: The Chinese intervention, 3 November 1950-24 January 1951 [2000]
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Result #39: Fire brigade: U.S. Marines in the Pusan Perimeter [2000]
Result #40: Fire brigade: U.S. Marines in the Pusan Perimeter [2000]
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Result #41: The outbreak, 27 June-15 September 1950 [2000]
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Result #42: Over the seawall: U.S. Marines at Inchon [2000]
Result #44: Blood on the hills: the Canadian Army in the Korean War [1999]
Result #46: Ebb and flow, November 1950-July 1951 [1990]
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Result #47: Retreat, hell!: we're just attacking in another direction [1988]
Result #48: U.S. Army mobilization and logistics in the Korean War: a research approach [1987]
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