304 Matching Results
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Search Results
Result #2: I am Cuba [2024]
Result #3: I am Cuba [2024]
Result #4: El 71: Anatomía de una crisis [2022]
Result #6: Dancing with the revolution: power, politics, and privilege in Cuba [2021]
Result #7: A short history of revolutionary Cuba: power, authority and the state since 1959 [2021]
Added March 2025Result #8: Visual artist [2020]
Result #9: Cuba en revolución: miradas en torno a su sesenta aniversario [2019]
Result #12: Goodbye, my Havana: the life and times of a gringa in revolutionary Cuba [2019]
Result #13: Memorias del subdesarrollo [2018]
Result #14: We'll meet again > Season 2, Episode 5, Escape from Cuba [2018]
Result #15: Cuba y América Latina: desafíos del legado revolucionario [2017]
Result #16: Antiracism in Cuba: the unfinished revolution [2016]
Result #17: Despot housewives > Episode 5, The crownless queens [2015]
Result #19: Fidel [21st century]
Result #20: The Fidel Castro tapes [2014]
Result #22: Fidel Castro [2013]
Result #23: The United States and Castro's Cuba in the Cold War [2013 to present]
Result #24: Fidel [2012]
Result #25: Visions of power in Cuba: revolution, redemption, and resistance, 1959-1971 [2012]
Result #26: Allende's Chile and the Inter-American Cold War [2011]
Result #27: Black in Latin America > Episode 2, Cuba: the next revolution [2011]
Result #28: Black in Latin America > Episode 2, Cuba: the next revolution [2011]
Result #30: Cuba since the Revolution of 1959: a critical assessment [2011]
Result #31: Looking for Fidel [2011]
Result #32: Thirteen days [2011]
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Result #34: Digital dilemmas: the state, the individual, and digital media in Cuba [2010]
Result #35: Fidel [2010]
Result #36: Hidden powers of state in the Cuban imagination [2010]
Result #37: Learning to salsa: new steps in U.S.-Cuba relations [2010]
Result #38: Learning to salsa: new steps in U.S.-Cuba relations [2010]
Result #39: Voices from the other side: an oral history of terrorism against Cuba [2010]
Result #40: Encuentro de la cultura cubana [1996 to 2009]
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Full text available from Open access publishers: 1996 to 2009