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Result #2: Youth for nation: culture and protest in Cold War South Korea [2017]
Result #3: Grandmother's flower [2008]
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Result #6: Dialogues with Chin Peng: new light on the Malayan Communist Party [2004]
Result #9: Han unbound: the political economy of South Korea [1998]
Result #10: Troubled tiger: businessmen, bureaucrats, and generals in South Korea [1998]
Result #11: Troubled tiger: businessmen, bureaucrats, and generals in South Korea [1998]
Result #12: The Malayan emergency: the commonwealth's wars, 1948-1966 [1991]
Result #13: Korea: the peninsular origins of the war [1989]
Result #14: The reluctant crusade: American foreign policy in Korea, 1941- 1950 [1985]
Result #15: Political opposition in Korea, 1945-1960 [1980]
Result #16: Political participation in Korea: democracy, mobilization, and stability [1980]
Result #18: India and UN peace-keeping activities: a case study of Korea, 1947-53 [1977]
Result #19: Divided Korea: the politics of development, 1945-1972 [1975]
Result #20: The failure of democracy in South Korea [1974]
Result #21: Government and politics of Korea [1972]
Result #22: In search of the dream people [1972]
Result #23: Korea; democracy on trial [1968]
Result #24: Korea: time, change and administration [1968]
Result #25: Korea in world politics, 1940-1950; an evaluation of American responsibility [1967]
Result #26: The long, long war: the emergency in Malaya, 1948-1960 [1967]
Result #27: Laws outlawing the Communist Party: Malaysia [1965]
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Result #28: The Republic of Korea; a political and economic study [1963]
Result #29: New Korea; new land of the morning calm [1962]
Result #30: Korea--my country [1953]
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