2,971 Matching Results
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Result #2: Colombia internacional [1988 to present]
Result #3: Estudios internacionales: revista del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile [1967 to present]
Result #4: FBIS publications [1990s to present]
Result #5: Foreign policy [1971 to present]
Result #6: Harvard international review [1979 to present]
Result #7: Hérodote [1976 to present]
Result #8: Historic documents [1972 to present]
Result #9: The MacNeil/Lehrer news hour [1983 to present]
Result #10: The New American [1985 to present]
Result #11: Public administration review [1940 to present]
Result #12: Revista brasileira de política internacional [1958 to present]
Result #13: Seijigaku: Nihon Seiji Gakkai nenpō [1950 to present]
Result #14: Weekly compilation of Presidential documents [1965 to present]
Result #15: World politics [1981 to present]
Result #16: Against the current [1980 to present]
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Full text available from Academic Search Complete: 01/01/2008 to present
Result #17: The Alternative press annual [1983 to present]
Result #19: The American enterprise [1990 to present]
Result #20: The annual register [1964 to present]
Result #21: The apathy of empire: Cambodia in American geopolitics [2024]
Result #22: Best editorial cartoons of the year [1974 to present]
Result #23: Bureaucracies at war: the institutional origins of miscalculation [2024]
Result #24: Clements' international report [1970s to present]
Result #25: Cold War history [2000 to present]
Result #26: COMECON data [1979 to present]
Result #27: Common cause magazine [1983 to present]
Result #28: The Compton yearbook [1958 to present]
Result #29: Congressional Research Service reports [1990s to present]
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Result #30: Contexto internacional [1985 to present]
Result #32: Country profile > Hungary [1987 to present]
Result #33: Country report > Hungary [1986 to present]
Result #34: A cultural history of postwar Japan: rethinking Kasutori society [2024]
Added March 2025Result #35: Current world leaders [1978 to present]
Result #36: The Declare War Clause > Part 7, The Cold War and Korean War [2024 to present]
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Result #37: Defense & foreign affairs [1979 to present]
Result #38: Defense & foreign affairs daily [20th century to present]
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Full text available from Nexis Uni: 11/01/2001 to present
Result #40: Eastern European politics and societies: EEPS [1987 to present]
Result #41: Editorials on file [1970 to present]
Result #42: L'Etat du monde [1981 to present]
Result #43: The Fletcher forum of world affairs [1989 to present]
Result #44: Freedom at issue [1970 to present]
Result #45: Great decisions [1956 to present]
Result #46: Hemispheres [1984 to present]
Result #47: International political science abstracts [translated: Documentation politique internationale] [1951 to present]
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Full text available from SAGE Journals online: 02/01/2007 to present
Result #48: International relations [1954 to present]
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Full text available from SAGE Journals online: 04/01/1999 to present