1 Result #1: Suffrage and the arts: visual culture, politics and enterprise [2019] Creators & Contributors: Garrett, Miranda; Thomas, Zoë E-Book London [England] : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: Suffrage discourse in Britain during the First World War [2016] Creators & Contributors: Smith, Angela K. E-Book London, [England] ; New York, New York : Routledge, 2016 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
3 Result #3: Aftermath of suffrage: women, gender, and politics in Britain, 1918-1945 [2013] Creators & Contributors: Gottlieb, Julie V. E-Book New York : Palgrave Macmillan, a division of St Martin's Press LLC, 2013 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
4 Result #4: Suffrage and power: the women's movement, 1918-1928 [1997] Creators & Contributors: Law, Cheryl Book (Print/Paper) London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 1997 Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: Hidden and visible suffrage: emancipation and the Edwardian woman in Galsworthy, Wells, and Forster [1995] Creators & Contributors: Rønning, Anne Holden Book (Print/Paper) Bern ; New York : P. Lang, [1995] Loading... Check availability
6 Result #6: The spectacle of women: imagery of the suffrage campaign, 1907-14 [1988] Creators & Contributors: Tickner, Lisa Book (Print/Paper) Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1988 Loading... Check availability
7 Result #7: Feminism and democracy: women's suffrage and reform politics in Britain, 1900-1918 [1986] Creators & Contributors: Holton, Sandra Stanley Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986 Loading... Check availability
8 Result #8: Stepping stones to women's liberty: feminist ideas in the women's suffrage movement, 1900-1918 [1984] Creators & Contributors: Garner, Les Book (Print/Paper) Rutherford [N.J.] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1984 Loading... Check availability