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Result #2: 10 actual, official LSAT PrepTests [2000 to present]
Result #3: 10 more actual, official LSAT preptests [2000s to present]
Result #4: 10 new actual, official LSAT preptests with comparative reading [2001 to present]
Result #5: The AAII journal [1970s to present]
Result #6: AAPL newsletter [1998 to present]
Result #7: ABA journal [1984 to present]
Result #8: Abstract of all original grants and locations comprising Texas land titles to [1945 to present]
Result #9: Accountability manual: the... accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts [1990s to present]
Result #10: Accounting standards > Statements of financial accounting concepts [20th century to present]
Result #11: ACLU magazine [2019 to present]
Result #12: The ACO advisor [20th century to present]
Result #13: Active tax paid gasoline jobbers permit holders; Active tax paid diesel fuel jobber permit holders ... [1990s to present]
Result #14: Adequate yearly progress (AYP) guide for Texas public school districts and campuses [2003 to present]
Result #15: Administrative law handbook [20th century to present]
Result #16: Adopt-a-prairie chicken update [20th century to present]
Result #17: Advanced placement and international baccalaureate examination results in Texas [1997 to present]
Result #18: Advances in accounting [1984 to present]
Result #19: Advances in accounting behavioral research [1998 to present]
Result #20: Advances in financial economics [1995 to present]
Result #21: Advances in quantitative analysis of finance and accounting [1991 to present]
Result #22: Affirmative action plans for state agencies and institutions of higher education annual report [20th century to present]
Result #23: Aging Texas [1994 to present]
Result #25: AICPA audit and accounting manual [20th century to present]
Result #26: AICPA professional standards [20th century to present]
Result #27: AIDS knowledge and attitudes for...: provisional data from the National Health Interview Survey [1987 to present]
Result #28: Allocation of vehicle registration fees [1970s to present]
Result #29: Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios [20th century to present]
Result #30: Alternatives [1993 to present]
Result #31: Ambulatory surgery in the United States [1990s to present]
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Result #32: American economic journal > Economic policy [2009 to present]
Result #33: American journal of criminal law [1972 to present]
Result #34: American political thought: a journal of ideas, institutions, and culture [2012 to present]
Result #35: Amistad National Recreation Area/Texas, general management plan newsletter [2000s to present]
Result #36: Analysis - Comptroller of Public Accounts [1970s to present]
Result #37: Anchor line: a newsletter from Texas Parks and Wildlife [2000 to present]
Result #38: Annual birding and nature festivals of Texas [2001 to present]
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