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Result #2: The World Bank economic review [1986 to present]
Result #3: The World Bank research observer [1986 to present]
Result #4: African development indicators [1992 to present]
Result #5: Annual report [1946 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Business Journals: 2000 to present
Result #6: Annual review of development effectiveness [1997 to present]
Result #8: Doing business in... [2004 to present]
Result #9: Finance & development [1968 to present]
Result #10: Finance & development [1968 to present]
Result #11: Findings: Africa Regional Studies Program newsletter [1992 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Business Journals
Result #12: Global development finance [1997 to present]
Result #13: Global economic prospects [2004 to present]
Result #14: Global monitoring report [2004 to present]
Result #15: International debt statistics [2013 to present]
Result #16: The little data book [2000 to present]
Result #17: Little data book on Africa [2006 to present]
Result #18: The little green data book...: from the World development indicators... [2001 to present]
Result #19: World Bank Africa database [1999 to present]
Result #20: World Bank annual report [1981 to present]
Result #21: World Bank atlas [1967 to present]
Result #22: World development report [1978 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 1978 to present
Result #23: World development report [1978 to present]
Result #24: Annual review of development effectiveness [1997 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals: 1998 to present
Result #25: Doing business in... [2004 to present]
Result #26: Global economic prospects [2004 to present]
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Full text available from ABI/INFORM Global: 01/01/2008 to 06/30/2017
Result #27: Global monitoring report [2004 to present]
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Full text available from ABI/INFORM Global: 01/01/2009 to 01/31/2015
Result #28: World development indicators [1978 to present]
Result #29: World development indicators... CD-ROM [1990s to present]
Result #30: World population projections [1984 to present]
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Result #32: Violence without borders: the internationalization of crime and conflict [2020]
Result #35: World development report > 2019, The changing nature of work [2019]
Result #37: The changing wealth of nations 2018: building a sustainable future [2018]
Result #39: Fair progress?: economic mobility across generations around the world [2018]
Result #40: The web of transport corridors in South Asia [2018]
Result #41: Development report 2018: learning to realize education's promise [2017]
Result #44: Beyond commodities: the growth challenge in Latin America and the Caribbean [2016]
Result #47: The welfare of Syrian refugees: evidence from Jordan and Lebanon [2016]
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Result #48: The World Bank legal review [2003 to 2016]
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Full text available from HeinOnline Law Journal Library: 2003 to 2016