1 Result #1: Songlines: hymns, songs, rounds, and refrains for prayer and praise [1996] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese Book (Print/Paper) New York : Crossroad Pub. Co., 1996 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
2 Result #2: WomanWitness: a feminist lectionary and psalter: women of the Hebrew scriptures, part two [1992] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese Book (Print/Paper) New York : Crossroad, 1992 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: WomanWisdom: a feminist lectionary and psalter: women of the Hebrew scriptures, part one [1991] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese Book (Print/Paper) New York : Crossroad, 1991 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
4 Result #4: WomanWord: a feminist lectionary and psalter: women of the New Testament [1990] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese Book (Print/Paper) New York : Crossroad, [1990] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
5 Result #5: Songs of promise: a service for Christian celebrations [1971] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese; Wiegert, René Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Vanguard Music, 1971 Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
6 Result #6: Joy is like the rain [1967] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese; Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries (U.S.) Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) New York : Avant Garde, [1967?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
7 Result #7: Joy is like the rain [1900] Creators & Contributors: Winter, Miriam Therese; Medical Mission Sisters (Musical Group) Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) Avant Garde, [between 1900 and 1999?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability